Part 30

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She watched from the river bank. Even knowing it was fake, Agatha wanted to scream out at him to stop. She watched as he stepped up to the bridge railing, his height causing him to stand out from the crowd, even at this distance. Then he stepped up, swinging his leg over the railing, the crowd of commuters reacting like a shoal of fish, at first scattering, then turning to gawk but none of them stepped up to stop him. A moment later he was jumping and falling, and someone was was her, she was screaming.


His body hit the water like a dead weight and didn't come back up. People on the bridge were pointing and crying, and Agatha was still screaming.


She was being shaken, it took a moment to realise it wasn't a random passer-by.

"Agatha darling wake up it's just a nightmare."

Only it wasn't a nightmare, not really, it was a vision of what could be.

Sitting up from Mycroft's couch, Agatha allowed Dracula to pull her into his arms. He looked better than earlier, he had clearly fed several times whilst she tried to catch up on some lost sleep.

"Shush darling it will be all right, we can fix this." Dracula tried his best to reassure her, but the truth was he didn't know what was going to happen. Mycroft had been calm and in control as ever but even he was reserved about what could be done.

"Don't lie, not to me." Agatha insisted, pushing the comfort of his embrace away. She was not a child that needed coddling, and despite her fear of losing him, Agatha couldn't pretend she wasn't still furious with him. "Why did you even do this, were you bored, was I not enough for you?"


"No, I am serious." Agatha spat. "How could you been such a fool, you are normally so careful with what or who you feed from?"

"I don't know! I don't remember." Dracula growled back.

"I already told you everything I remember, I was at Gilles party, I had one drink there, then we went to the club and bumped into Sir Richard and few of his friends, they invited us back to a private party. I remember leaving the club but after that..." Dracula trailed off, his brows furrowed as he tried and tried to remember, and yet there was nothing, everything after that was one giant blur.

But what did it matter, Dracula knew he had drunk from those contaminated humans he could still feel how sluggish it had left him, and slaughtering them wholesale was something he would do...or could do...?

"It just doesn't make any sense..." Agatha trailed off, her own brow furrowed as she tried to work out what was bugging her about all this.

Yet before she had time to make any progress, the door to the office opened and Mycroft returned. Whatever hope they had that the situation could be resolved simply fizzled out with a shake of Mycroft's head.

For once even Mycroft looked worried. "Sir I don't think we can just smooth this over."

It was not the news that Dracula had been hoping for.

"Our informant has passed on that police were called to the address around nine this morning. They already have the entire block cordoned off, and forensics are crawling all over it. At present our only advantage is that no one knows you are not also a victim. From the description you gave me, it is going to take their forensics team days to piece together the different victims. There will also be no CCTV record of you leaving the apartment. I would suggest that our best option would be to report you missing."

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