Part 47

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For what seemed like eternity Agatha's words hung in the air, there was not a murmur from the crowd, only the laser like heat of Giles de Rais gaze meeting her own.

"I accept!"

"NO!" The objection was ripped from Dracula's throat, his feet taking him to stand between Agatha and Giles, as if by blocking her from his view, his body as a shield between them Dracula could somehow protect Agatha from Giles and herself. "I refuse to allow it."

"Ahhh." Giles almost looked apologetic, yet there was no hiding the manic glee in his eyes. "I'm afraid that in affairs of honour you have no power to intervene my dear Count."

"I have every right! I am the Elder of my clan, Agatha isn't even of age, as such I speak for her...she is too young to be either issuing or accepting honour duels."

"Ahhh actually sir." A familiar voice cut in and Dracula's glare all but bore a hole into Mycroft's forehead.

"Et tu Mycroft?" Dracula hissed.

"I am only trying to clarify the situation sir." Myrcoft looked genuinely hurt by Dracula's accusation, it was hardly his fault the pair of them seemingly flung themselves into these situations. "It is similar to the loophole we spoke of earlier; Agatha is neither an adult nor a child right now. Of course, you as her Elder could offer to fight on her behalf?"

"No this is my..." Turning around to glare down at Agatha, causing her objection to die in her throat, Dracula had only once before looked down at her like that, and Agatha didn't exactly have found memories of the Demeter.

Whereas Dracula had to resist the urge to bundle up his beloved and run for the exit, honour be damned. If it wasn't for the large crowd, and the worrying number of thug looking lackies who had suddenly emerged from somewhere...blocking off the exits...Dracula could take one or two but not all of them...but he could fight Giles and win that he was sure of.

"You should have more care for your own wellbeing and those who are really dependant on you Madam." Dracula growled, it was one thing for Agatha to want to save innocents, it was another thing entirely for her to put at risk her own life and the very fragile life she may be carrying.

"I will fight in her place." Dracula insisted, glaring down at Agatha as if daring her to object.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow that my dear Count, not even to oblige you. Ms Van Helsing has questioned my honour..."

"What honour is there is fighting a mere slip of a woman, or are you afraid to face a real opponent?" Dracula hoped goading Giles might work, yet they both knew he would be a fool to throw away an easy fight against Agatha for a real challenge with Dracula, but he had to try.

"I would seek to show an impudent young female her place in our society, something you seem to be incapable of teaching her. I will not leave her permanently damaged... well not the parts that have you so interested; she will still be able to do her duty by her clan."

"You ba..." Agatha began only for Dracula to cover her mouth with his large clawed hand.

"There must be something else you would accept; the foolishness of youth surely can be forgiven?"

"Not in this will have satisfaction, and Ms Van Helsing will beg her apologies in blood, only then might the offence be satisfied."

Fairly vibrating with rage Dracula turned his back on a crowing Giles to stare down at Agatha. Reaching for her long satin gloves he practically shredded them, threading their fingers together Dracula lifted them to his lips. He couldn't hide the fact that he was furious with her, but chastisements could wait for later, after she won, and there was only one way to guarantee that she did.

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