Part 25

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"This apartment is really small."

Huffing she brushed her teeth, rinsing out the sour taste of a late night, and an even later morning, Agatha rolled her eyes at her reflection. She could hear Dracula rummaging about in the next room. She could picture the scene to accompany the noises, imaging him nosing through her pile of books on the coffee table, and pacing the few feet over to the large sash window that looked down over the bustling city street below.

"I can actually cross this room in three paces." Dracula added. "I think your entire apartment could fit inside my bedroom."

Rinsing out her toothbrush, just in case he wanted to use it, Agatha made a mental note to buy a second one. Despite his complaints about how small her apartment was Dracula was bound to be spending at least some time here, and Agatha had better make the appropriate preparations. It felt strange, the knowledge that after all these years, after preparing to spend her adult life unattached to anyone, that she was now in a relationship. A committed serious relationship that would at some point end in marriage. If Dracula got his way, sooner rather than later, but Agatha liked the idea of calling him her boyfriend for a while. She could almost imagine his reaction the first time she did, his face would be a picture...perhaps she could get Lucy to photograph it for her?

"And the view is..."

"I get it you hate my apartment." Agatha called out, as she left the bathroom, tugging her dressing gown more firmly around herself, whilst drinking in the view of a bare-chested Dracula. At least he had pulled his sweatpants back on, she couldn't cope with any more distractions, if they were ever going to leave this apartment today.

"Now Agatha, hate is such a strong word, I would say despise is more accurate." Dracula retorted from the place on the sofa where he had draped himself dramatically. "You need a bigger couch."

"You need to stop moaning or I will kick you out."

"You wouldn't?"

"Don't test me...and I can't get a bigger couch, it won't fit up the stairwell."

"Ahh." Dracula mused, enjoying the view of Agatha all relaxed and tousled from a recent shower. A shower Dracula had offered to join her in, well until he had seen the postage stamp she called a bathroom, and that her shower was actually over her bath, like some sort of poor person.

"I cannot believe I am paying out as much as I do, for all of your upkeep, and this is the result!" Dracula huffed, taking another less than impressed look around the apartment.

Frowning in confusion, Agatha couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that, and when Agatha wondered something... "What do you mean you pay for?"

"I'm your Elder, your financial welfare is my responsibility." Dracula answered as though the answer was obvious, but when Agatha continued to frown Dracula added.

"All Clans pay a tax to provide support for orphans, and to hire the mortal staff, and of age vampires necessary to educate and protect our world. However, when I turned up, you, and once I complete the adoption, Mycroft, become my responsibility. As such I received a lovely backdated tax bill. I also foot the bill for all your new kin at headquarters. Think of it like paying their boarding school fees."

"But I've been working, I earnt that stipend." Agatha huffed, crossing the floor to slump down next to Dracula on the couch, draping her legs over his, as there was no room otherwise.

"Yes, you did, hence my bill wasn't as big as it could have been, so I thank you for that." Dracula teased tucking a grumpy Agatha in under his chin. "The point I am trying to make, is it would cheaper for me and more beneficial for your quality of life if you..."

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