Part 44

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"There is no need to be nervous." Dracula whispered in her ear as he helped Agatha step from their chauffeur driven car. "You will be the most beautiful woman here."

A sentiment Agatha couldn't help but scoff at as she took in the somewhat modest entrance, and the procession of cars behind them that were waiting for their turn to drop off their own illustrious guests.

"I mean it, just remember who you are my Agatha, remember your power and your incorruptibility. I believe in you, your sisters believe in you, you only need to believe in yourself..."

"Did you just decide to look up giving a pep talk on your phone? Might I suggest next time you avoid taking tips from buzz-feed, it doesn't work for you." Agatha couldn't help but remark, enjoying the almost affronted look that graced her companion's face for a moment, before a self-satisfied smirk drove it away.

"Well I thought it worth a try..." Dracula offered, hardly offended by Agatha's Dutch directness, even if he was a little annoyed, she thought he was bullshitting about being the most beautiful, as in his eyes no one else ever came close.

"Well in future do try harder to resist that urge."

"As my lady commands..."

"Good, you keep that in mind, and don't leave my side all night, and we might just make it through this evening." Agatha sighed, her hand tightening on Dracula's arm as they stepped through the entrance foyer and into a large open-air courtyard.

There were already many of their kin milling about, little clusters of acquaintances deep in conversation. A few heads lifted to take note of their arrival but not in anyway that made Agatha uneasy; it was more noting of a new face, a moment of scrutiny that passed quickly, when her lack of striking looks allowed her to fade into the background.

"Well this is almost boringly normal." Dracula muttered for her benefit, Agatha turning her head slightly to catch the twitch of a smile about his lips.

"Why what were you expecting? A drum roll, a firing squad, a quartet of semi-clad nymphs singing your praises..."

"Your mind is a terrifying place beloved...although your last suggestion has some merit." Dracula didn't attempt to hide his amusement this time, despite being on the look out for threats, there was something almost comfortable about attending a social event with Agatha on his arm. He would at least never be bored.

"Oh Count Dracula..."

Groaning Dracula took a breath he didn't need, his hand tightening on Agatha's arm.

"Count Dracula...oh and this must be your 'gossip'..."

Turning at hearing his name called Dracula did his best remain polite, accepting the hand that was offered and placing a chaste kiss to her gloved knuckles. "Madam such a pleasure to see you again so soon."

"Please Count I do recall asking you to call me Veronica." The vision in peach silk and taffeta insisted, before turning her dark gaze on the slender vampire at the Count's side. "Would you do me the honour of introducing me?"

Barely suppressing the urge to grimace Dracula resigned himself to having to make introductions, this was why they were here after all, for vampire society to meet Agatha and for Agatha to get her introduction to the snake pit...and there were worse people to start off with.

"Agatha may I introduce Madam de Franco...Madam...Veronica..." He corrected himself with barely a hesitation. "This is Agatha Van Helsing..." Soon to be Countess Dracula, Vlad added in the privacy of his own mind, as he didn't expect Agatha would appreciate him actually saying it out loud, considering she still hadn't agreed to wed him; even if it would be the best deterrent from this flirty courtesans.

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