Part 28

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Count Dracula would much rather be at home right now. A thought that even a few months ago would have been unthinkable. Yet a few months ago he didn't have a partner like Agatha to come home to. He was finally becoming almost domestic at the grand old age of 534.

"Count is the entertainment not to your taste?"

Forcing a smile Dracula turned to greet his host, Baron Gilles de Rais had been extending invitations to join one of his little soirees for years, and unfortunately Dracula's plans had always clashed. Now he was permanently based in London once more, the Baron had been back in touch, and Dracula had not been able to turn the invitation down, especially when the Baron has asked him to choose the date.

Dracula had even tried his best to plead with Agatha to attend with him, however she was quite happy to remind him that she was not officially 'out' yet, and as such it would be inappropriate for her to attend. She was much happier heading to headquarters, to spend the evening looking at dress options with her sisters, for her custom-made presentation ballgown.

The fact that Agatha clearly detested Baron de Rais was not a mark in his favour. Dracula doubted that they would attend any of his events as a couple. Indeed, the salacious nature of his entertainment was clearly geared towards the bachelor...albeit ones with deviant tendencies. Agatha would certainly not approve.

"It is most creative." Dracula replied politely, the dancers were very good, under normal circumstances he might amuse himself watching them cavort.

Perhaps it was love, or perhaps his own good taste, but Dracula found himself a little repulsed by all the flesh that was being put on display for them.

"There are some more specialist entertainment available in my private rooms. If that would be more to your taste?" The Baron's hint was like a sledge hammer of subtlety.

"Perhaps later." Dracula forced another smile, taking a sip of the blood he had selected. At least that was one thing the Baron had gotten right, young and a little naughty, it did fit with the theme of the party at least.

"I must confess Count, you are not what I expected when we first met." Gilles continued. "I finally thought I would have a contemporary I could converse with as an equal."

As insults went, it was about as subtle as the Baron's entertainment.

"I'm sorry to prove such a disappointment." Dracula was more amused than insulted. "How exactly do I disappoint?"

"I had heard you were adventurous. A vampire that inspired dread in whatever mortals he came across. I thought finally here was a vampire, who would not cow to the expectations placed on him. All this sustainable feeding nonsense, and human rights. There are vampires alive now who have never even taken a neck." The Baron scoffed. "The taste is simply not comparable to free range."

"Well I will not argue with that." Dracula replied toothily as he sipped on his drink. "And I hardly think I have conformed, the twenty-two turned vampires I have added to my clan in the last two years, would seem to support my stance."

"And yet you do not partake, when I offer you pretty mortals to play with?" Gilles taunted him, waving towards the pretty girls and boys he had selected, hoping to impress his guest of honour.

"Ahhh yes well I am old fashioned Baron, I like to hunt my own food." Dracula retorted. "No insult to your selections of course."

"Well then perhaps we should take this party on the road." Gilles suggested, the idea of hunting a fresh kill with Dracula at his side very appealing.

Unable to think of a decent excuse, and a little intrigued as to what it would be like to go hunting with company, Dracula nodded his agreement. It was probably a good thing Agatha was staying with the girls tonight, he doubted he would be back at a decent hour.

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