Part 7

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"It's smaller than I expected."

Rolling her eyes, Agatha also had to stifle a smile, as she weaved through the early evening commuter foot traffic. Retrieving her security lanyard from her bag, she swiped her way in through the simple door that was accessible from the street.

"I mean all those years to pick a headquarters and they chose this..."

If anyone had ever told her that she would find Dracula bitching, about their people's aesthetic and lack of flair, amusing well Agatha wouldn't have believed them. Nodding to the security guard who was posted just inside, Agatha signed them both in, retrieving a pass for Dracula that had visitor printed on it, in bold capitals.

"It doesn't even inspire the least amount of terror or awe..."

"It is meant to pass unnoticed." Agatha reminded her companion, unable to hide her amusement as he huffed, as if the idea of wanting to pass unnoticed was such a ridiculous one.

Handing Dracula the clip-on badge...or at least Agatha tried to hand it to him, Dracula stared at the badge like it had personally offended him.

"You called me, wanting to come see where I worked. I didn't force you to come, you can leave any time."

"A fact I am regretting more and more by the second." Dracula deadpanned, finally accepting the badge with the very tips of his fingertips, and an overt look of disgust, before he clipped it onto the lapel of his suit jacket.

Heading towards the lifts Agatha once again used her pass, unlocking the elevator access to the lower sub floors, where the retrieval squads and containment cells were held. She had time to check in on the vampire they had recovered the other day, say hi to her team and check on any assignment they had picked up, all before delivering Dracula to their hastily arranged meeting with Mycroft.

The previous evening's discussion had given Dracula the basics, but as soon as he started asking for more detail about the other Elders and clans, Agatha had insisted on approaching Mycroft for help. There was a reason he had been assigned to help, and a reluctant Dracula had conceded, only if Agatha agreed to be present at all meetings. Of course, getting Mycroft to agree was only slightly easier, his frosty reception had thawed enough when Agatha played to his ego. Yet Agatha knew, she was going to spend years putting up with his gloating.

"You employ mortal guards?" Dracula questioned, having picked up the security guards pulse the moment they entered.

"Guards and other employees, mainly administration." Agatha clarified. "There simply isn't enough of us to do everything. They are well paid, and there is guaranteed security for their families should anything happen. We have very little staff turn-over."

"And there are no...accidents?"

"Very rarely." Agatha admitted. "There have been issues with some of the new vampires, before they have started on their induction regime, we have to be very careful who has access to them. There are blood supplies kept on every floor, for any of the vampire employees who find themselves, struggling with control."

That made sense even Dracula could concede that, but it felt clinical, almost sterile, and the gourmet in the Count found the idea of such pre-packaged meals distasteful. Still he hid this as well as he could, and matched Agatha step for step as they made their way through the corridors, pleased when he saw her colleagues nod to her in respect. That he drew his own fair share of interested stares, was enough to massage Dracula's ego. Yet there was one thing that quickly became apparent, so far Agatha was the only female he had seen; there weren't even female mortals scurrying about.

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