Part 15

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"So, tell me." Agatha leant back against the side of the boat, the wind off the water tossing her curls about.

"Tell you what?" Dracula prompted, as he topped up her glass, with the last of the blood in their decanter.

"Sir did the two of you meet?"

"Ahh." Now Dracula almost looked bashful. Leaning in he grinned and brushed the hair out of her face. "I'm afraid the truth might shock you."

"You think anything you do could shock me?"

"Not me, Sir Richard." Dracula deadpanned, feigning innocence that had Agatha rolling her eyes at him.

"Let's just say that I've met some very interesting people in my trips through London's nightlife, and when you are tall, handsome and wealthy there are very few doors that don't open for you. Honestly even some doors you would prefer remained closed. It's positively shocking what some people get up to these days. I mean in my day, a nobleman might keep a dirty secret, or two, in his dungeons. He certainly didn't go around flaunting them in public, but now a days it seems to be all about openness."

Dracula scoffed, shaking his head at the naive children. There were so many genuine pleasures in the world, a good meal, a good book, good conversation and the love of a beautiful woman. His tastes had always been refined yet simplistic in nature.

"So, Sir Richard and his friends..." Agatha trailed off her nose wrinkling in genuine disgust. "You didn't..."

"I didn't what?"

"You know what?"

"No dearest I don't. What can cover a multitude of sins." Dracula teased, winking and knowing it would wind her up, and yet he wanted her to say it out loud. "Go on ask know you want to. You know it is going to burrow away in your mind not knowing. I know you Agatha Van Helsing, your sin is your curiosity, you cannot stand not knowing all the secrets."

"You're going to make me say it aren't you?"

"I am yes."

Agatha wasn't sure, whether slapping that smug look off his face, or throwing him overboard, would be the right response to that taunting. In the end Dracula was right, she couldn't stand not knowing something. "Fine you win..."

Sighing Dracula closed his eyes, drinking in those words. "Oh, darling Agatha do say that again, I want to savour the moment."

"Keep this up and I am going to punch you again." Agatha warned him, yet if anything that seemed to make Dracula even happier.

"Oooh perhaps you would like to invite Sir Richard to watch."

"No...honestly no."

"Glad to hear it. Somethings should remain just between us." Dracula whispered, his fingertips curling about her wrist as he lifted it to his lips.

"Did you fuck him?" Agatha asked bluntly, and Dracula reacted like she really had punched him.

"No." Dracula managed to bark that out in between his burst of laughter. "You really do not pull your punches..."

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