Part 10

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"So, what is it like, being a nun?"

"Hmmm." Lucy's sudden question caught Agatha by surprise, she had gotten so used to just hearing the younger woman talk at her whilst Lucy braided Agatha's hair, that Lucy had caught her dozing with an unexpected question.

"Long days, lots of praying, boring food." Agatha replied rather flippantly, when in truth she preferred to think about her days in the convent as little as possible. She preferred to think about her human life as little as possible, it was safer that way. "And I'm not a nun anymore, now I help track down new-born vampires, like you."

"So, does that mean you're allowed to, you know, fuck people now then, now you're no longer a nun?"

Blinking at the personal question and blunt way Lucy asked it, Agatha had to remind herself what century they were living in.

"I suppose so..."

"So, you mean you still haven't?" Lucy spluttered, sure Agatha wouldn't be to everyone's taste, all elbows and no tits, but some vampire must have wanted to shag her at some point.

"I guess I just haven't gotten around to it." Agatha shrugged. "I've been busy."

"You've been too busy for 123 years?" Lucy scoffed, an eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"You will find that time passes far more quickly than you realise, and well I guess there hasn't been anyone I have met since turning that I looked at that way." Which was true, well mostly.

Yet Agatha wasn't prepared to admit out loud, or even in the confines of her own thoughts, that the vampires she had met since her rebirth had been...lacking in some way. They weren't tall enough, or smart enough, or devilishly wicked enough...

"Well I am not waiting 123 years for my next shag." Lucy confided. "Is there anyone worth looking at, well other than D of course...but I'm not forgiving him, until he gets on his hands and knees and grovels..."

"Then you won't be forgiving him." Agatha interjected with certainty and a half smile. "Count Dracula does not grovel."

"Ouch sounds like someone has a crush." Lucy teased, before leaning forward, winking conspiratorially. "Not that I blame you, I mean for an older guy he really does have that tall, dark, handsome, brooding bastard thing going for him. Since I'm not getting married now, I might give him a roll or two; I'm sure he's got skills...But is there nobody else, closer to my age, someone I can hang out with? A new gay BFF would be perfect."

"I don't know about that but you will meet Tommy when you wake up. He's only just been reborn as well, another of Dracula's converts." Agatha added, choosing to ignore Lucy's ridiculous insinuation but unable to hide the tinge of bitterness in her voice. "You will be going through the same education programme, and as you're from the same clan, it would be good for you to be friends."

"You mean more school?" Lucy asked, her nose wrinkling. "I dropped out at sixteen, did a beauty course at college instead but by then I was already building up my Instagram following. I really don't think, you are going to turn me into a model student."

"It's less like school and more like, basic orientation and work placements; working out what skills you have. What skills you have, determines where you are placed for your conscripted service..."

"What the army?" Lucy wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I am not throwing myself over assault my friend Lizzy got one of those cheap bootcamp vouchers and conned us all into going, because she said there would be fit army boys. Total waste of time. They were all old guys, who shouted at us all the time; I broke two nails on the rope swing, ruined my new juicy sweatpants in the disaster."

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