Part 26

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Dracula ignored Mycroft's messages for as long as he could, which for him meant until the next morning. He had known there would be political fallout from his actions, but whatever it cost him, Agatha was worth it. So, was it any wonder that he wanted to savour every possible moment with her, before the shit hit the fan?

For a day they had been able to pretend they were just like everyone else.

They had taken the Thames Clipper down to Greenwich, earning Dracula an eyeroll about his continued obsession with holding their dates on boats. Then when they got there he had tried to drag her on the Cutty Sark exhibit. Agatha tolerating his boyish enthusiasm, for the ship that was so similar to the boat they had travelled to England on. Still she had indulged his love off all things seaworthy, even smiling as he recalled the differences, between travelling on a ship of comparative luxury like the Demeter, to the earlier sea faring vessels he had travelled on.

Of course, turnabout was fair play, and Dracula hardly objected when Agatha dragged him up from the parkland to the Royal Observatory. The amateur scientist in them both, found it amusing to play with the historical instruments, that were for them more familiar. Dracula enjoying more than anything the broad smile on Agatha's face when she worked out how something worked, almost babbling her words in her excitement as she explained something to him. That he got to hold her hand through most of it, even getting to kiss her under the stars in the planetarium and take her in his bed that night; well that made any fallout worth it.

It was that feeling Dracula held onto as he sat in Mycroft's office and tried not to squirm under Mycroft's flat gaze. Mycroft didn't even have try to look disapproving, it was his natural expression.

"I do not need to apologise."

Holding off answering, allowing the uncomfortable silence to linger, Mycroft let his eyebrows do the talking.

"It would show weakness and Clan Dracula is not weak." Dracula insisted, his discomfort only growing as Mycroft, steepled his fingers and leant his chin on them.

"It wouldn't do any good, you know how Italians can hold a grudge."

"I think..." Mycroft began only stop and once again allow the silence to curdle a little. Waiting until Dracula's eye seemed to twitch. "I think apologising to Elder Pazzi will not appease him, he will continue to hold a grudge now no matter what you do..."


"But it is not about saving that relationship it is about how the other Elders will see you." Mycroft cut off Dracula's gloating. "You are still a relative unknown to them, some will view you as a threat because of that. The alliance with the Pazzi family would have bought us credibility..."

"Are you daring to tell me I have made a mistake?" Dracula growled, his anger barely appeased when Mycroft shook his head. "I will deal personally with any man that dares to say such a thing. Agatha Van Helsing is perfect for me and this Clan..."

"Sir I completely agree on that point." Mycroft placated. "It is most unfortunate that this situation with the Pazzi family even happened."

"Yes, well, it has happened Mycroft, and it is your job to strategize how we can minimise the damage."

"Something I am trying to do Count Dracula." Mycroft retorted sharply, the closest Mycroft had come to losing his temper with the Count, yet instead of being offended by his tone, Dracula merely smirked.

"Oh, so there is more than ice water in those veins, I was starting to wonder."

Choosing to ignore Dracula's baiting, Mycroft focused on practicalities. "We need to spin the story our way, make it seem planned, that you always intended to choose between the two potential brides but that you wanted to see them side by side, in action in a social situation first. I think we can both agree, of the two Agatha managed to hold her own quite well.

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