Part 33

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The last few weeks had really tested their patience. Sleeping over at one another's apartments, and spending their days apart was one thing, being trapped at headquarters together 24/7 was another entirely. Agatha had never had to deal with a bored Dracula before, and given a choice she never would again, he came far too close to deserving a staking sometimes. That neither of them had come up with a fool proof plan, to deal with Baron de Rais, did not help tempers either.

Yet in some ways it had been nice. Dracula had actually spent some time with their clan, even joining them once for movie night, even if he did loudly critique the slasher movie that was selected. The others were less scared of him now, even if there was still a healthy dose of intimidation.

The London situation was still uncertain. The police were still investigating their unsolved murder case, they had been round to search Dracula's penthouse, but had found nothing incriminating. There was nothing there to find, as Dracula had never returned there after the "incident", as Mycroft had taken to calling it. That all his clothes, a healthy staff of cash and his passport were all found at the apartment, and there was no CCTV footage of him leaving, the police were still considering him as a yet unknown victim of the crime, rather than the villain. So, at Mycroft's suggestion they had gotten out of the country. Agatha having the luxury of travelling openly via private plane out to Romania, Dracula having to take the less glamourous route of goods delivery, spending 2 days packed into a small crate.

Still it was all worth it when they were reunited in Bucharest, and Mr and Mrs Balaur picked up their new identification curtesy of Mycroft, and an open topped Land Rover 4x4 that had been pre-ordered for them by Renfield. It only took an hour or so of Dracula driving it, before Agatha was finally convinced, they weren't going to die in a fiery inferno after all.

Having been cooped up, first in London Headquarters and then in that damn packing crate, Dracula relished the feeling of the sun on his skin and the wind blowing in his hair as he pressed rather heavily on the accelerator. Although it was his first real time driving anywhere, Dracula loved the thrill of it. Although he knew he had travelled faster on board a plane, there was something real about the speed, when you could feel the air and see the landscape whooshing past.

"You know, you can take your death grip off the door Agatha, I know what I am doing."

"You know how to point it in a direction and go fast." Agatha corrected him. "When you've shown me, you know how to brake and park this bloody thing, then I might agree with you."

"Why are you scared dearest?" Dracula teased, egging her on by revving the engine more.

"When you respond like that can you blame me?"

Laughing at her wit Dracula conceded her point a little, easing off the accelerator until they were once more doing around the speed limit.

"We should have done this before now." Dracula declared, his eyes soaking in the sights that was so different than the homeland he remembered, and yet there was a certain familiarity there as well, that he had not found anywhere else. One thing he was certain of was that he was glad he had waited to come back with Agatha.

"There is so much I cannot wait to show you."

Watching as the years seemed to slip away from Dracula's brow, Agatha couldn't help but smile at his boyish enthusiasm.

"I am looking forward to being shown." Agatha replied softly, earning her a beaming smile in reply; Dracula reaching out to cover her free hand with his own, bringing it up to his lips to press a quick kiss to her fingers, before resting their joined hands on his thigh.

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