Part 13

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"Captain are you alright?" Anderson had to ask, as since returning to duty, following her 'sick leave', Agatha had not been completely herself, and Anderson was certain Count Dracula was the cause.

He had never known his boss to lose focus like this, several times he was certain she had drifted off whilst he had been speaking, and that was not like her. That monster had done something, Anderson was certain of that.

If Agatha had been aware of her second's thoughts, she might have indeed agreed with them.

Dracula had done something, he had told her he liked her, then he had kissed her most thoroughly many many times. Good kisses, exceptionally good kisses, kisses that Agatha now found herself craving, much like the presence of the vampire himself, both were additive. So occasionally Agatha allowed her mind to wander, normally when Anderson was being particularly dull. Her mind drifted back to that afternoon on the chaise, Dracula's mouth on hers, his hands exploring the slight curves of her body.

"Captain?" Anderson prompted for the second time, and this time Agatha seemed to jar back awake. "Are you sure you should even be here?"

"Yes...Yes I'm fine, my mind just...well what were you saying again?" Agatha prompted him, so flustered she didn't even notice the frown on Anderson's forehead.

"Lucy Westenra has been passed by the medics, she is due to be released from our custody today, to the novices; along with Thomas Banks."

"Oh well that's good." Agatha replied, forcing a smile. She hadn't been down to visit her newest clan members since her return, her own lingering weakness and Dracula's warning had put her off.

However, this was going to be the last chance she had to meet Lucy in a secure environment. When she moved to the novices, Agatha might start bumping into her in the corridors and that would only be more awkward. Agatha had always been one to tackle her problems head on, and she wasn't about to change now.

"How have they been?" Agatha asked innocently.

"Tommy has responded as expected, he has regained more of his memories, he is feeding by himself now...he's still grieving for his past life; he still asks for his mother, he asks for you as well."

"Well I should go and see him...go and see them both before they leave. We are the same clan after all."

"Ag...Captain are you sure that is wise?"

"Why not, I have to face them sometime?" Agatha argued logically, even though she knew Anderson hated the idea, and that Dracula would be pissed she disobeyed him.

"But the girl...Captain there is something different about the girl." Anderson warned, something his instinct told him was wrong, and yet it was hard to articulate.

When you were in Lucy's presence she drew you in, and people wanted to be around her. Anderson had caught many of their own guards hanging around the girl's room, just talking, there was no harm in just talking. At least that was what they all said, and yet why did all of them seem to compete to take that duty. Already this week Anderson had to break up, what had almost come to a fist fight; where one solider had complained, the girl was getting off too lightly, after what she had done to the Captain, and another had come to Lucy's defence.

"Yes, I heard from...well I heard." Agatha wasn't sure why she avoided mentioning her closer relationship to Dracula to Anderson, well to anyone really.

It wasn't like she was close to many people. Anderson and her, had a solid working relationship, she trusted him, and he trusted her, but they weren't pally. Mycroft was as close to a friend she had among her fellow vampires. Probably because he was one of the few, who had never expressed any interest in her breeding potential. She certainly no longer had any female confidents, not like the convent. There were other female vampires, fewer yes, but they did exist in other departments. It was just that Agatha's aptitudes had placed her in a very male dominated sphere.

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