Chapter 72. Awhile

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i watch Niall watching the tv except he seems more focused on whatever is on his mind than what he's watching "what's wrong?" i ask him sitting next to him he looks at me for a second before looking back at the tv "just thinking" he shrugs picking up his phone and flicking through things, his mums been gone for two days but he's acted like this for a few days now "what about?" i ask him just watching his every move "your not gonna leave me are you?" he asks me my eyes widening i instantly shake my head grabbing his hand he just sighs putting his spare hand through his hair "i'm sorry sometimes my mum just gets into my head" he groans letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me onto his lap he looks into my eyes and quickly looks back over to the bed Aria sleeping peacefully in the cot next to it "we wouldnt wake her right?" he asks me as he looks back i laugh a little as he shrugs "it's been a while" he pouts i playfully slap his arm as he laughs a little more "hey before we had Aria it happened every night" he says placing a kiss on my neck as he finishes his sentence my jaw dropping and my cheeks flushing red as he just laughs more "your so cheeky" i laugh shaking my head both of us just laughing at each other i wrap my legs around his waist my arms around his neck. "but this is what happens when you have a baby you don't get alone time" i tell him he groans throwing his head back i put my hands at the back of his head playing with his hair "i suppose we could be quiet?" i suggest to him connecting his lips with mine as he pushes me back on the couch "oi oi" Louis shouts making us both jump, i turn around everyone gathered by the door "i mean we was coming to hang out but you two are clearly busy" Jesy says trying her best not to laugh, my whole face is burning from embarrassment "byeeee" Perrie exclaims extending the 'e' until everyone is back out the door "well that ruined the mood" Niall groans going to sit up as i wrap my arms around his neck pulling him back
i watch Aria as she crawls around the room playing with all her toys babbling to herself, thankfully she's slowly growing out of not being able to be in the same room as Niall she lasts a lot longer now than she did before anyways "bab" i smile bending down to her she quickly crawls over to me holding her arms out for me to pick her up which i do, i hold her close to my chest picking up all the toys and throwing it in her bag before going down the corridor to the canteen i walk in sitting down next to Niall, Liam in the middle of some random story i'm kinda sad because there's around 2 weeks left of shows before this is all over and although it's been quite a rollercoaster of a tour it's been my favourite one yet. Niall wraps his arm around me placing a kiss on my cheek and then a kiss on Arias forehead "Jade" Jesy comes up to me sitting next to me a worried look on her face "what's the matter?" i ask her she sighs looking down at Aria, great more bad news "i don't wanna upset you guys" she sighs tickling Aria a little "the label wants us to spend christmas in America" she says i give her a confused look that's great? Christmas in America looks amazing it' d be amazing especially if "us meaning just the 4 of us" she sighs my heart dropping as she does "no family?" i ask her she shakes her head chewing her lip and i just sink in my chair Niall quickly taking Aria off me "well find a way to sort it babe" he tells me i just shake my head a few tears forming in my eyes, they really want me to miss my daughters first christmas? for a little bit of promo?. "it'll be fine i promise" Niall sighs placing a kiss on my temple he hands Aria over to Jesy and walks off i watch him as he walks over to Sam both of them walking out of the room, i really hope he finds a way to sort this.

jadeameliabadwi Nialls happy place🤣❤️niallhoran: you + aria + food= my happy place

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jadeameliabadwi Nialls happy place🤣❤️
niallhoran: you + aria + food= my happy place

"just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week"

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