CHAPTER 3 - The Usual

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As you laid in bed that night, you couldn't help but feel a little guilty at the way you acted in the cafe. You could admit now that it was a little childish, and you may have been just a little bit jealous that Kakyoin seemed to justify all of Jotaro's actions. You tried to make yourself feel better by reminding yourself your actions were justified too. 

You had never seen Kakyoin and Jotaro hang out before they supposedly met each other on vacation, and it was odd that they just so happened to be at the exact same place at the exact same time. There was definitely something fishy going on, something you desperately wanted to know, but it felt like there was no way you'd ever find out. 

You let out a frustrated sigh as you turned over, staring at your wall in the darkness. Maybe you'd apologize tomorrow, so long as Jotaro weren't around to see it. You reminded yourself that you were just excited to see Kakyoin and be able to spend time with him again, and you were only upset because you weren't able to do that in peace. You made a mental note to try and "get along" with the dark haired boy Kakyoin had picked up, hoping it would make your friend happy. With an elaborate plan in your head, and an inching urge to eat some cherries, you drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning you woke to your alarm, slapping your hand across your bed until you felt the coldness of your phone. You slid your finger across the screen, silencing the blaring noise. You shoved your face deeper into your pillow, hoping to squeeze a few more seconds of sleep in before you actually had to start getting ready.

"Y/n! I know that was your alarm that just went off! If you don't wanna be late you better start moving," you mother called from downstairs. 

You mumbled a string of curse words to yourself before finally dragging yourself out of bed. You snatched your school uniform off your desk chair, throwing it over your shoulder and bringing it into the bathroom with you. Your eyes glanced between in the shower and the mirror, contemplating whether or not it was worth it to get in now, or just clean yourself after school. You raised your arm, smelling your body and deciding to hold off on the shower, as there was barely any scent coming off of you. Just to be safe though, you put on a bit of vanilla scented perfume.

You left the bathroom, tossing your dirty pajamas onto your bed and and grabbing your school bag before bounding down the stairs. You greeted your mother with a tired, "hello," scooping up the lunch she had packed you as well as an apple she set out for you for breakfast. You didn't like to eat much in the morning, as you barely had an appetite and when you forced yourself to eat too much it made you feel queasy. You hugged your mom goodbye, shouting one to your father who was still upstairs getting ready himself.

The air was somewhat cool when you left the house, a heavy contrast to the usual heat and humidity of summer. You were thankful for the break, hating the heat almost as much as you hated the boys who passed you love notes in the hall. You took your time walking to school, knowing that since you actually left when you were supposed to, you would have more than enough time to make it to school. 

You took bites of your apple as you walked, staring at it when you felt yourself start to get full. You looked around you to see if anyone was watching you and when you saw no one you threw the remaining portion of the apple into a nearby group of trees, not that you really needed to check as it wasn't necessarily considered littering.

You yawned, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth as your eyes closed slightly. When you reopened them, you noticed a figure waving in the distance. You squinted your eyes, trying to make out if they were waving to you or someone behind you. As you continued to move forward, the red curl of your best friend's hair became more prominent and noticeable. A smile grew on your face as you waved back, coming to the conclusion he was definitely waving at you. You rushed over to him, holding your skirt down in the back since it flew up slightly with your sudden movement.

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