CHAPTER 6 - Anger

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"Ya!" you barked, fire in your eyes as you stared up at Jotaro with an intense gaze. "Are you some kind of stalker or some shit?"

The tall boy ignored you, looking only at Kakyoin as he spoke. "The old man flew in the other day insisting he talk to you and me."

Kakyoin opened his mouth in shock, and for some reason that only pissed you off more.

"Are you even listening to me?" you spat, patience running thinner by the second. "I asked you a damn question and it would be a good idea of you answered it!"

You curled your hands into fists, the urge to punch Jotaro square in the face growing with his silence.

"Y/n, please calm down. I know you have no idea what's going on, but this is important. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to go with Jotaro for a little bit. I promise I'll tell you as soon as I'm home, okay?" Kakyoin's voice was gentle, but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Why was he picking Jotaro over you? He was your friend first, it wasn't fair that some random giant just showed up and suddenly always had the spotlight whenever he was around. At this point you didn't even care what happened while they were on vacation anymore, you just wanted the gloomy teen to disappear.

Kakyoin stood to leave, shooting you a sympathetic smile as he followed Jotaro who had already turned to leave. You had never wanted to start a fight with someone as much as you did Jotaro.

"Kujo!" you shouted across the arcade. The tall boy didn't turn back to look at you, but he did stop walking. "I don't know who in the hell you think you are, but I've known Nori almost my entire life. If you think you get some kind of special friend privilege just because you ended up on vacation with him, you got another coming you bastard!"

"Nori?" he scoffed, side eyeing you over his shoulder. "Don't you think you have better things to do than waste your time coming up with stupid nicknames?"

Your gaze shifted to Kakyoin, hoping he would defend the name you have given him moments earlier. You were disappointed to see him staring at the ground awkwardly, not wanting to have to pick sides. Your chest clenched in pain at his unwillingness to support you. As Jotaro turned to leave again you made up your mind: if Kakyoin wasn't going to stick up for you then you would just have to do it yourself.

You got up from the bench, ready to chase after the two boys who were moving away from you. You were almost close enough to jump and throw a punch at Jotaro, but something stopped you. There was nothing in your way; no other people, or games, or even wires. You just couldn't move. It was as if some kind of invisible wall had just shown up in front of you. You pushed into it with your entire weight but still, it would not budge. Taking a step back, you threw a punch at the air in front of you, only for it to glide through the air like it normally would have.

Whatever was blocking you before was gone now, but so were Jotaro and Kakyoin.

You clenched your fists even tighter now, nails digging deep into the flesh of your palms, drawing a small amount of blood. You opened your hands when you felt the liquid begin to squeeze through your fingers. Hot tears started to form in your eyes, but you forced them away, reminding yourself you made a promise to yourself never to cry over another person. All people did was disappoint and develop dependent relationships that would only hurt them in the end. Still, no matter how hard you tried to believe in your own words, you knew Kakyoin was different.

He was your friend since childhood. Your first and only love. 

A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you made your way to one of the game counters. A worker noticed you and walked over, asking what they could help you with.

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