CHAPTER 9 - The Party

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!!WARNING: This chapter contains underage drinking, continue at your own discretion!!

You had been dreading the arrival of today, knowing there was no turning back on your promise to Kakyoin. Sure you were happy to see the boy beaming with joy as he talked about all the things you'd be able to do there, but you knew deep down you would not be having fun. You would much rather get dragged to another arcade and watch the red head fangirl over games than be surrounded by drunk teenagers in some stranger's house, but if it made Kakyoin happy in the end, you would try your best to have a good time.

You could tell based on the looks Jotaro had been wearing up to today that he felt basically the same way you did, and for once you didn't make fun of him for it. Big crowds weren't your thing, but they were even less so Jotaro's thing. Not only was the pessimistic teen cold hearted, he was an absolute jerk to people he didn't know; there was no doubt in your mind that he would end up getting into some kind of fight at the party. 

You had postponed getting ready for as long as you could, half hoping Kakyoin would cancel last minute. To your dismay he did not, only sounding more excited than ever when he called you earlier to make sure you weren't trying to ditch him.

Staring at the clothes in your closet, you figured you might as well look cute if you were going to be hanging around Kakyoin most of the night; plus, if you dressed up it might make you feel better about the whole situation. You eyed each piece of clothing you owned with intensity, trying to build the perfect outfit in your head that showed: "I'm here to look good, but I'm not looking good to be here."

After trying on different combinations of clothes, you finally settled on something. You wore a loose, long sleeved striped shirt that had a mock turtleneck collar. You tucked it into a pair of black ripped jeans, the holes of which exposed the fishnets you wore underneath. Not wanting to seem as though you were trying too hard, you decided to skip out on makeup, opting instead to put your hair up in an intentionally messy ponytail. As you marveled at yourself in the mirror, the sound of your door bell ran out through your house.

"Y/n, sweetie! Kakyoin's here!"

You gave yourself one last glance over before slipping your phone into your back pocket and jogging down the stairs. Sure enough, Kakyoin was waiting for you in the kitchen, engaging in small talk with your mother. His face lit up when he spotted you, and you suddenly felt a wave of insecurity wash over you. Was your outfit too much? Was he going to think that you actually wanted to go to the party? What did he think of it all?

"You look great, Y/n," your friend complimented innocently. 

You glanced over Kakyoin, wanting to return the compliment only to see him wearing his school uniform.

"You look... the same?" You walked closer to him, shooting him a confused glance. Kakyoin let out a soft chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I didn't really know what else to wear."

"It's not a bad thing!" you quickly blurted out, not wanting him to think that you were insulting him. "I just feel a little overdressed is all..." You glanced down at the floor, your insecurities from earlier making themselves more known. Kakyoin opened his mouth to object to your worries, but your mother cut him off before he could speak.

"You two better get going now if you don't wanna be late!" Your mother chirped in. "And text me when you leave, okay? If you stay late and wanna just sleep over at Kakyoin's house I'm okay with it as long as his parents are too. Just let me know the plan so I'm not worrying about you!"

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