CHAPTER 4 - Cherries, Vanilla, and Cigarette Smoke

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You once again found yourself sitting in a cafe with Kakyoin and Jotaro, the latter of who tagged along only to be protective of Kakyoin you assumed. You were still a bit shocked from the situation before to object to his presence though. You knew you should probably thank him for saving your ass (quite literally) back at the school, but your pride would not allow it. After all, he said it himself that he didn't really care about you, so even if you did thank him he would probably just brush it off and call you stupid.

Kakyoin played with the cherry in his milkshake with his finger, moving it around and pushing it deeper into the whipped cream. He bit his lip, eyes focused on his drink and seemingly deep in thought. Your gaze was focused mostly on your own drink in front of you, watching as you made swirls out of the cream that rested in your latte. Every now and then, your eyes would look up to glance at the two boys who sat across from you, trying to find a way to make conversation that wouldn't make them take pity on you.

You found yourself mostly engaged in Jotaro today, his heroic actions - if you could even call them that - still fresh in your mind. You watched as his eyes seem to shift rapidly, taking great care to observe the surroundings while also glancing down at the shorter boy next to him every few seconds. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he was terrified someone was going to jump out of thin air and scare him, but the idea that the Jotaro Kujo would be scared of anything was impossible... right?

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Kakyoin's voice finally broke the silence. He sounded hesitant, like he was afraid that brining up the topic would send you into some kind of traumatic flashback.

"U, y-yeah, I guess. It was just my leg, so it could've been worse..." your voice trailed off, eyes shifting over to Jotaro. For some reason you expected him to be upset that you hadn't offered any thanks to him, but his face remained as expressionless as usual. 

"Maybe that shitty perfume you're wearing finally pushed them over the edge. Dumbasses probably took a whiff of the shitty vanilla and lost their minds," Jotaro chipped in, although his eyes were still looking over everything but you.

"Excuse me?" You felt the usual fire and anger towards Jotaro grow in your veins, once again recalling that he had implied you were weak earlier. 

"You put way too much of the shit on" Jotaro's eyes finally rested on you, making you feel small.

"What does that have to do with me getting groped?" you spat, pointing your spoon at Jotaro accusingly.

"I'm gonna have to side with Y/n on this one, those things really don't correlate at all," Kakyoin shrugged.

Jotaro let out an annoyed sigh, leaning over the table slightly before standing abruptly. "I'm gonna go smoke for a bit."

You couldn't help but feel pure joy when the dark teenager finally got up to leave. You tried to suppress a smile, knowing you would finally be able to enjoy some one on one time with Kakyoin outside of school. You turned to face him, only to notice his eyes trained somewhere in the distance. You looked over your shoulder to try and see what he was staring at, only to realize it was Jotaro, who was leaning against the large glass window of the building.

You rolled your eyes, turning back to your friend. A smirk spread across your face as you took advantage of Kakyoin's distracted eyes. You slowly inched your hand across the table, reaching for the cherry of his milkshake. You grabbed it swiftly, dangling it by the side of your head to gain your friend's attention.

"Kakyoinn~" you sing songed.

"Hey! Don't take my cherry, you know how much I love them!" Kakyoin reached across the table to try and snatch the sweet from your hand, but you were quicker. You recoiled, holding the cherry dangerously close to your mouth as Kakyoin stared at you with pleading eyes. You snickered as his puppy dog expression, lowering your guard for just a moment to tease your friend. He was quick to react though, leaning further across the table and capturing the milkshake topping between his teeth.

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