CHAPTER 12 - Crybaby

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You laid sprawled out on your bed, bored with nothing to do. You knew your boredom could be easily cured, but for some reason you just didn't feel like moving. Annoyed, you sighed, dragging your hands down your face. You racked your brain for anything that sounded appealing at the time.

You could make yourself something to eat, then again you weren't very hungry. You could read one of the new manga you impulsively bought on your way home from Jotaro's... actually you left that downstairs and didn't want to go all the way down there to get it. You could ask your mom to bring it up for you, but she'd probably just call you lazy and tell you to get it yourself. Sifting through an endless list of ideas, none of them seemed to satisfy.

"Oh, I know." You sat up in your bed, throwing the covers to the side and going to stand in the middle of your room. "Why don't we try to figure out what your abilities are?" You called for your stand in your mind, hoping that would make it appear. When she did not materialize, you scrunched your eyebrows and wondered how else you could get her to appear.

"Um... come out... please?" You raised an eyebrow, hoping that actually speaking would make your stand present itself, although deep down you had a feeling it wouldn't. "Crybaby~ Please come out. You're supposed to listen to me, aren't you?" You whined at the continued absence, trying to think of how else you could get Crybaby to manifest. You were seriously considering trying Jotaro's idea he suggested as you were leaving, telling you to go through a shady alley on your way home and see if you get attacked. Sure he just said it just to be a dick, but from what you understood being afraid and wanting to protect yourself was a good way to get your stand to appear.

You decided on something a little less dangerous, like belly flopping off your bed to see if your stand would catch you before you hit the ground. Right when you were about to jump the doorbell went off, making you freeze for a moment. After a few seconds of silence you shrugged it off as some kind of door-to-door salesman and went back to focusing on the task at hand. Your eye twitched in annoyance as it rang out again.

"Y/n, sweetie! Could you see who's at the door please?" Your mother shouted from downstairs, most likely preoccupied with cooking dinner.

"Sure!" You jumped from your bed, landing on your feet with a small thump. The door bell rang a third time as you bounced down the stairs. Whoever was on the other side of your door was certainly going to get an ear full from you on proper doorbell etiquette: if there's no answer after the second ring, chances are the person isn't home. That, or they just don't want to talk to you so take the hint and move on.

You looked through the peep hole of your front door to see who was there, only to be met with darkness. The person standing on the other side was either purposefully hiding their identity, or they were also looking through the hole despite it being impossible to see in from the outside. They rang the doorbell yet again, causing you to fling the door open out of anger.

"What the hell do you want?!" You shouted before seeing who was standing in front of you.

"Well damn, what a way to greet your best friend."

Your jaw dropped as you stared at the figure in front of you. He flashed you a cheeky grin before entering your house, taking off his shoes and sliding the guest slippers on.

"Hi Ms. l/n! I hope you don't mind me barging in!"

"Is that you Kakyoin?" Your mother's peeked out from the opening of the kitchen. "Ah, hello dear! It's not a problem at all. I'm making Katsudon for dinner if you'd like to stay."

"You don't have to go out of your way for me," Kakyoin smiled softly. 

"Nonsense, it's only one extra plate!"

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