CHAPTER 7 - Accept it or Move On

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On Sunday you decided it would be best if you ignored Kakyoin. It wasn't that you didn't want to talk to him, but you didn't really know what to say. You were a mix of emotions and although you usually wouldn't think twice before getting in an argument, you didn't want that with Kakyoin. You were afraid if you said something that hurt him, he would stop talking to you all together. Besides, you believed you didn't mean as much now that Jotaro was around.

Geez, you hated that kid. He was too tall for a Japanese high schooler if you asked yourself, and his eyes were always so cold and unforgiving (though you failed to make the connection that yours were very similar when not around Kakyoin). Jotaro looked more like a college kid than a teenager, and what was up with his uniform? Just how in the world did he get away with personalizing it like that and not get dress coded? Then again, most of the staff was too afraid to talk to him, much less scold the boy.

Jotaro's personality was the worst of all though. He was stubborn and uncaring to those around him. He always had a sea of girls fawning over him, which crowded the hallway whenever he walked down it. Not only that but his voice when he yelled at them was so, damn, annoying! Everything about the gloomy teen seemed to piss you off.

"Ahhh!" you groaned into your pillow, folding it around your face as if you were trying to suffocate yourself. "Why does Kakyoin have to be friends with him!?"

You furrowed your brows, kicking your legs harshly into your bed. More than anything you wished you could kick Jotaro in the face, but even if you jumped you weren't sure if you'd be able to reach. The vibrations of your bed from your mini fit caused your bedside table to shake. The movement caused a frame you had propped up to tip over. Luckily, you noticed and caught it before it could fall to the ground, although there was a slight chip in the glass now.

Sitting up in your bed, you pouted and gazed down at the image. You ran your finger over the small crack, deciding to put the blame on Jotaro because it was the idea of him that made you start kicking your bed in the first place. As you gazed at the photo, a nostalgic feeling washed over you.

It was taken many years back, during one of your athletic competition days in early elementary. Before that day, you hadn't considered Kakyoin one of your friends. You and him were forced to the three legged relay together, and you remembered threatening him before the race started. You could still remember your words verbatim to this day. 

"If you make us lose, I'll push you into a pile of legos and throw rocks at you during recess everyday," you told him.

Instead of being scared by your threats though, he just flashed you a wide smile. His iconic red curl still developing at the time, but present enough to bounce lightly as he gave you a solid nod and thumbs up. 

The two of you ended up winning the race in the end, although Kakyoin was all but exhausted after only running a short distance. For some reason, seeing the young boy try so hard for you like that made something flip in your brain. After the race you had dragged him over to your mother, legs still tied together. You demanded she take a picture of the two of you, stating that Kakyoin was the only person in your class that you liked and he was your best friend from then on out.

Your mother was shocked at first, but happy to see her cold-hearted daughter finally making friends with someone. She whipped out a disposable camera and snapped a pick of the two of you, and despite your face being expressionless and Kakyoin mid gasp-for-air, it was one of your favorite pictures.

Your best friend hated the picture, insisting it looked odd and that you guys should have taken a second one. To you though, the sentimental value of it was more important than the actual photo. It was a day you never wanted to forget.

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