CHAPTER 19 - Fear

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"No, Y/n didn't come home last night. I figured she just stayed the night at your place but got distracted and forgot to text." Your mother's face contorted into one of concern. Kakyoin's own expression mirrored hers, but he quickly covered it with a kind mask. Not wanting to worry his best friend's mother, Kakyoin came up with an excuse to put her heart at ease.

"Oh, that's right! Her and Jotaro have a project for a class together and she stayed over there so they could work on it. It's so early it must have slipped my mind," the red haired boy chuckled.

"Well when you see her, tell her to text me. I was worried sick last night, it's not like her to not at least shoot me a quick message."

"You got it." Kakyoin threw his thumb up before saying goodbye.

He allowed his facade to falter as he turned his back to your mother. It really was unlike you not to tell your mom where you were going. Miss L/n was always lenient with what her daughter was allowed to do so long as you was always kept her in the loop. It was strange that you didn't bother to text her about your whereabouts, but what was even more concerning was that Kakyoin himself had no idea where you were.

Whatever you didn't share with your mom you always told Kakyoin, so for him to have no idea where you were, was greatly concerning. His worry only grew when he sent you a text, expecting a response within minutes. He started to think something was wrong when he made the entire walk to the school without a response. Kakyoin was deep in thought when Jotaro approached his locker.

"Where's your shadow?"

"Huh?" Kakyoin looked up at his friend, a dumbfound expression coming over his face before realizing who Jotaro was referring to. "Oh, Y/n? I think she has a fever or something. Her mom said she probably won't be at school for the next few days."

Kakyoin had no reason to lie, but the words had left his mouth before he even had the chance to think about what he was saying. Jotaro gave him a suspicious look, but didn't pry any further. The cherry lover was thankful for that, not knowing if he would have been able to keep up his lie. Kakyoin closed his locker, walking side by side with Jotaro through the hallways.

Parting ways once they reached Jotaro's classroom, Kakyoin glanced at his phone once more before making his way to his own class. There was still no response from you, and with every minute his phone was silent Kakyoin only grew more worried. Sure you had only been "missing" (for your best friend didn't want to believe something bad had happened to you) since this morning, but it was out of character for you to disappear into thin air. No matter what you would have told someone if you were going to be away for a bit, and the fact that Jotaro questioned your absence this morning meant he too, was clueless about your location.

For the rest of the day, all Kakyoin could think about was you. For a brief period of time he worried that you were still upset about him disappearing to Egypt for 50 days and were trying to get back at him. He quickly pushed the idea out of his mind though, knowing you would never be that petty. Kakyoin was still yet to receive a text back from you by the time lunch rolled around, and it was becoming harder for him to pretend like everything was okay.

"You're looking at your phone a lot, is everything alright with you?" Jotaro scrunched his eyebrows together in annoyance, clearly picking up on the fact that something was being hidden from him. 

"Just tired." Kakyoin answered weakly.

"You're a shit liar, Kakyoin." Jotaro's voice was stern, prompting Kakyoin to look up and lock eyes with the taller. The usually cheerful teen regretted it right away, quickly averting his gaze from Jotaro's judgmental watch. "You looking away only proves that you're hiding something. Spit it out."

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