CHAPTER 8 - The Proposal

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"Have you ever been to a party, Y/n?" Kakyoin asked you randomly during lunch one day.

You finished chewing on your food, your bento box contained within your protective grasp. Ever since Jotaro became friends with Kakyoin, he would join the two of you during lunch the days he showed up to school. You noticed him eyeing your food a few times, and saw that as a threat. You would never, ever, share your food with him. Not in your lifetime!

"What makes you think I, of all people, would ever have willingly gone to a party?" You shoved more food in your mouth as you spoke, small pieces of rice escaping your lips and falling into your lap.

"Chew with your mouth closed you damn pig,"Jotaro remarked somewhat angrily.

Just to piss him off, you piled even more food into your mouth. Leaning closer to the tall teen, you chewed obnoxiously in his face. You could practically see the veins that popped out on the side of his head as he gritted his teeth in anger. Kakyoin tugged on your sleeve, silently telling you to leave the poor kid alone, but not without a quiet laugh. Satisfied with annoying Jotaro and making Kakyoin laugh, you sat back in your spot, eating the rest of your food like a normal person again.

"Why do you ask?"

"Someone in my gym class said their parents are going out of town this weekend, and they were gonna throw a party before everyone has to start worrying about studying for finals."

The look Kakyoin had on his face made it seem as though he had some kind of plan hatching in the back of his mind, and you weren't quite sure if you wanted to know what it was. A glimmer of something somewhat concerning appeared in his eyes as he stared at you and Jotaro, and you could already tell he definitely had some kind of trick up his green sleeve.

Not wanting to know what it was, you quickly scooped the rest of your lunch into your mouth, not taking the time to chew it properly and swallowing most of it whole. You coughed a bit at the dryness, pounding your fist against your chest to try and return air to your lungs.

"Would you look at the time, classes are almost gonna start again," you rushed to gather all your things together, standing up and dusting off your skirt. You shot Kakyoin a quick smile, and simply side eyed Jotaro. Surprisingly, he seemed relieved by your suggestion to leave, most likely picking up on where Kakyoin was trying to push the conversation.

"Guyss! Wait!" Kakyoin called out, a small pout gracing his features.

Normally this tactic would make your heart melt and you would feel weak in the knees, but you were almost 100 percent sure he was going to try and convince you (and possibly Jotaro as well) to go to the party with him. You had a very long list of things you told yourself you would never do, and going to a party with a bunch of people you probably hated was close to the top.

You gave your best friend a quick wave goodbye, running to your next class in order to avoid the question that would inevitably be coming your way. You successfully managed to doge it for the rest of the day, even during the classes you shared with Kakyoin. Whenever he would try to bring it up, you would change the subject to something he was interested in. You knew if you could get him talking about desserts with cherries or video games he would lose his train of thought. If you were lucky, he might even forget about the party all together.

You allowed your guard to drop by the end of the day, confident that your friend would have forgotten all about his plan by now. He was a smart kid, but his attention span wasn't always the greatest. You hummed to yourself as you walked down the crowded hallways at the end of the day, gracefully dodging any advances made by your male students. You paid no attention to the harsh stares of the girls who's crushes turned their attention towards you as you walked by.

By the time you got to your locker, you were feeling pretty confident about yourself. As long as you were able to slip out of the school without Kakyoin noticing, you would be in the clear for sure from the party question. There was no way he would bother asking you tomorrow after you spent the entire day dodging his not so subtle, subtle hints.

"Well don't you look happy for once." Kakyoin's voice behind you made you jump, causing you to drop the books you had in your hand at the time. Jotaro, who was standing behind your red haired friend, simply scoffed. You threw an annoyed glance his way before crouching down to retrieve your belongings.

After realizing he was the one who startled you, Kakyoin bent down to help you as well. His fingers brushed against yours as you reached for the same book. Your face burned a bright red at the contact. There was no way something so cheesy could be happening to you, and yet it had. You quickly pulled the book out of his grasp, stuffing it into your bag and offering him a quiet thanks.

"If you really wanna thank me then you should come to the party with me and Jotaro on Saturday!" Kakyoin chirped.

"Goddammit!" you groaned. Kakyoin smiled cheekily, knowing he had won. "I spent all day steering you away from that question only to fall for such a simple trap!"

Your friend just continued to smile proudly, knowing you wouldn't say no to him now.

"Just shut up and agree to go already so we can start heading home," Jotaro huffed.

"You're telling me you fell for his little scheme too, Kujo?" You stared at him with wide eyes before laughing. The thought that Jotaro would have to suffer the same fate as you bringing your heart nothing but joy. "Pfft, what a dumbass!"

"You fell for it too you annoying bitch," Jotaro pulled his hat over his face, which kindly shielded you from his ice cold stare.

"Perfect!" Kakyoin chipped in. "Now that both of you have agreed to go, I don't have to pester you for the rest of the week. Honestly I thought I was gonna have to try a lot harder to get you two on board. Guess you both just have a soft spot for me."

Although Kakyoin only said it to tease the two of you, he wasn't wrong. Of course you had a soft spot for the boy. He was your longtime crush and the only person you could tolerate keeping around. If you going to a party with him would bring him happiness, then you would do it over, and over, and over again. No matter how much you would rather stay home, you would never deny doing something that brought the boy you loved so much delight.

"Fine, but don't expect me to enjoy the damn thing," you and Jotaro spoke at the same time. You narrowed your eyes at the dark haired boy, as if you were accusing him of violating your thoughts and stealing your words. Kakyoin simply laughed as Jotaro pulled his hat down again, covering the entirety of his face now.

For a split second you saw it. Jotaro Kujo was blushing again. 

Just what in the hell was this guy's deal?


Sorry this one's kinda short, but the next few chapters is where stuff really starts getting real. I think i'm gonna make a mini villain for future plot points as well hehe >:)

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