CHAPTER 11 - What The Hell Is A Stand

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"H-huh?" you gasped out, still a bit flustered from the situation earlier as well as the space, or lack there of, between you and Jotaro. You could feel your cheeks heating up as he leaned in even closer to you.

"You can see them, can't you?" He articulated each word clearly, leaving no room for error on your part.

"See what?" You tried to wiggle out of the cage Jotaro had made with his hands, only for him to slam his elbows against the door as well. What little distance had existed before was now gone, your noses basically touching now.

"Don't play dumb, I saw the way you were looking at my mom and the space behind Kakyoin. You can see out stands, can't you? What are you, some kind of enemy? We took care of Dio already, so why the fuck did you follow us all the way to Japan from Egypt?" Jotaro growled, his breath warm against the skin of your face.

"D-dio? Egypt? Stand? What the fuck are you talking about?" A burst of confidence erupted in your heart. You knew something fishy happened while Kakyoin was in Egypt, and Jotaro finally gave you some kind of evidence to confirm it. You still weren't entirely sure what he was talking about, but at least you knew there was more to it than your friend had been letting onto.

"I told you not to play dumb!" Jotaro slammed his fists against the door behind you, the sound making you flinch more than the worry of him actually hitting you. The purple creature you saw earlier appeared fully behind Jotaro know, studying you through narrowed eyes. Was that what Jotaro was talking about? A stand? The boy in front of you followed your line of sight while you were distracted. "So you can see him."

Your gaze snapped backed to Jotaro, who looked like he was ready to kill you at any moment. 

"Now wait just a minute." You tried to sound angry, but your voice came out more flustered than anything. "I've known Kakyoin since I was a kid, and you can ask him that. I've also never been to Egypt. Hell, I've never even left Japan before! On top of that, I have no idea who this Dio is, nor do I know what the hell a stand is!"

Jotaro's eyes scanned you throughly, as if he were searching for some sort of flaw in your words despite it being all truth. When he was sure you didn't pose a threat to him, he dropped his arms, taking a step back and letting out a sigh.

"Shit," he whispered to himself, realizing he had said too much too soon.

"I knew there was more to the story," you said in a low voice. "Just what the fuck happened to you and Kakyoin when you guys were on 'vacation.'" You put air quotes around the last word, showing that you would no longer believe that shitty excuse.

"None of your damn business," Jotaro mumbled, turning on his heels and quickly taking off in the direction of the kitchen.

"Hey! I'm not done asking you questions!" You went to chase after the tall teen, but didn't have to move very far as the figure you saw standing behind you in the mirror earlier had blocked his path. Jotaro froze in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at you and then back at the form standing before him. He tried to move around it, only for it to mirror his movements, preventing him from running away. Giving up, he turned to face you again, an annoyed expression making itself known. "You can start by telling me what the hell that thing is. I saw it behind me in the mirror when I was in the bathroom earlier, and it was the first time I had ever seen anything like it."

"That, is a stand. Like my Star Platinum." Jotaro held his hand out to the side, the purple figure from before appearing and giving you a soft smile. You had a million more questions to ask, but before you even got the chance Jotaro continued to explain. "They're a manifestation of one's mental capabilities to put it simply. All of them have names and different abilities. Some of them are short range, like mine, while others are long range, like Kakyoin's. Short range stands are usually more powerful, but have a limited attacking distance whereas long rage stands can be controlled from far away, but don't have as much strength. You saw Kakyoin's stand earlier I presume, the green and white one. His stand's name is Hierophant green. Yours probably has a name too."

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