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When I woke up the next morning I laid there for a while, replaying the event's of last night as a large grin spread across my face. I grabbed the extra pillow sitting next to me and clutched it to my torso, my chest fluttering excitedly at the thought of him holding me again. I pressed my face against the soft fabric of the case, squealing loudly as a sudden burst of energy hit. I quickly sat up, letting out a couple of breaths as I tried to contain how happy I felt.

I stood up from the edge of my bed and quickly padded up the stairs to start breakfast. Surprisingly enough, despite the amount of alcohol I consumed, I was feeling pretty good. As I rounded the corner of the hallway I heard a pair of familiar voices coming from the kitchen. I narrowed my eyes curiously and continued walking. As the kitchen came into view I caught a glimpse of Luke and Reid talking at each other, their hands flying around wildly as they talked.

"Contrary to popular belief the Doctor-" Reid paused to look over at me, waving his hand quickly, "hey Isla," he quickly turned back to Luke, "-the Doctor didn't actually become a Time Lord until 1969..."

I took a couple of steps forward, peeking into the living room to find Morgan. When he wasn't there I looked back over at the pair who continued talking back and forth, rapidly firing fact after fact about what I only assumed was something extremely nerdy.

"Hey, Reid?"

He stopped talking mid sentence, licking his lips as he turned to face me. "Yeah?"

"Where's Morgan?"

"Oh, uh," he cleared his throat, "Hotch figured it was probably best to separate the two of you given the fact that you've been fighting, so I'm here now."

I rolled my eyes. "We weren't that bad."

"Oh," Luke laughed, throwing his head back, "you two were bad."

I scoffed.

"The other night after I went to sleep I heard them arguing about the health benefits of chocolate." Luke responded.

"You know, despite its consumption being associated with things like acne and coronary artery disease it does in fact have certain health benefits." Reid added.

I threw my hands up, widening my eyes. "That's what I said! Morgan thought I was crazy!"

"Eating chocolate with a higher cocoa content can lower not only your cholesterol levels, but can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems."

I smiled. Even though it had been less than twelve hours since our talk it felt like he never left.

"Speaking of chocolate," Luke turned towards the cupboard, grabbing a couple of things before clutching them to his chest and turning to me, "I've officially decided to make chocolate chip pancakes." He smiled and walked over to the kitchen island, tossing all of his stuff onto it before turning back around and grabbing some utensils.

"You want any help?" I asked.

"Nah," he shook his head, turning to throw a couple of plastic bowls with the rest of the stuff. "From what I hear from this guy though, you guys have a lot of catching up to do." He hooked his thumb over in Reid's general direction, flashing me a quick wink before returning to his rummaging.

Both Reid and I shared a strange look.

Luke eventually pulled out a bag of chocolate chips from the back of the cupboard, smiling proudly as tossed it in the air and caught it. "How about you guys run and grab coffee?"

"Don't we have coffee here?" I asked.

"Yeah, but there's this cafe a couple blocks down that has the best matcha I've ever tasted in my life," he sighed, "go get me some while I make breakfast?" He flashed me wide grin, fluttering his eyelashes.

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