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The next morning Reid and I got up and got ready, taking our sweet time, despite knowing the rest of the team was waiting for us. Like the gentleman he was, Reid offered to let me shower first, planting a quick sequence of kisses across my face before releasing me into the bathroom. Once there, I tore off my clothes lazily, glancing at myself in the mirror as I did so. At this point my stomach was noticeably big, which for obvious reasons made me smile.

"You know we could just shower together to save time, right?" I called through the open doorway.

From the bed I heard Reid snort, causing my smile to grow. As it did, I threw back the shower curtain and turned on the tap, taking a couple of moments to adjust the temperature of the water before stepping inside and letting out a sigh.

Not long after I heard Reid enter the bathroom. Curiously, I glanced in his direction, pressing my lips together excitedly once I saw him standing there unbuttoning his shirt. "Well that was easy," I stated.

"Who am I to deny my fiancé a pre-coital shower?" He responded with a smirk.

I smirked back and wiggled my brows, pooling a handful of water over my hair. "Pre-coital, huh? You sure we have time for that?" I questioned.

"Probably not," he replied with a shrug. After that he stripped his clothes, flashing me a grin of excitement before hopping in behind me. As soon as he did he flinched and moved to the back of the tub, narrowing his eyes in my direction. "Oh, my god, that's way too hot!"

I gave him an unimpressed look and stepped further into the stream of water, attempting to prove him wrong. "It's barely even warm," I stated, shaking my head. He looked at me like I was crazy, causing me to laugh.

Despite enjoying the heat, I turned it down. Reid let out a sigh of relief and stepped closer towards me, wrapping his arms around the bottom of my torso as he rested his face against the back of my head. "I don't know how you can stand that much heat."

"It's relaxing," I stated with a shrug.

He placed a kiss on my hair, moving his hand to brush a chunk behind my ear. "So is nails on a chalkboard," he responded sarcastically.

"So is minding your own business," I retorted.

Instead of continuing the petty argument he let out a chuckle, moving his fingers along the length of my stomach. Slowly, he etched various shapes across my skin, humming to himself while I closed my eyes and leaned back into him. "Have you thought of any names yet?" He asked curiously.

I shook my head and moved my hand to his, gripping it tightly. "I haven't had time."

"We should make time."

Slowly, I turned to face him, feeling his palms glide along my side, eventually resting at the small of my back. Lightly I grasped either side of his face, watching him blink at the water droplets that flung onto his face. "What if we stay in Vegas for a couple of extra days? You said it yourself that you wanted me to meet your mom. Plus, I'm sure given the circumstances Hotch would be willing to give you a break."

"What about Cooper?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "At this point as long as he knows I'm alive he doesn't really care."

"Must be nice," Reid responded.

"It really is. I don't have to worry about traveling or interacting with people. All I gotta do is cut up some bodies, take notes, and," I paused to click my tongue against the roof of my mouth, "send them on their way."

Reid scrunched up his face. "That's a horrible way of looking at it."

"True, but it's the honest way," I pointed out, poking his chest.

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