"Where the fuck are you?" I groaned at the sound of Cooper's frustrated tone. It was nearly nine, which meant I was scheduled to be at work over an hour ago. When I woke up to see my clock this morning I was horrified, realizing I'd slept not only through my alarm, but through five missed phone calls from my boss. Almost immediately I felt sick. So sick in fact, that instead of rushing to get to work like I should've been I had to stop to hug my toilet.
"I know I said I'd come in, but-" I pressed my hand against my mouth and closed my eyes.
"What do you-" he paused to let out of angry sigh, "-why do you sound like that?"
"Like what?" I mumbled.
By now I'd been throwing up on and off for about twenty minutes. With the hand that wasn't holding my phone I clutched the edge of the toilet seat, steading my body as I kneeled down to empty the contents of my stomach. As I did, I muted my phone, listening to Cooper angrily rant about the importances of keeping your word and work ethic. On a normal day I would've agreed with him. I would've assured him he was right and that it wouldn't happen again. Work was important to me and it was something I never wanted to screw up on.
Yet, right now, in this moment, I couldn't give less of a shit. As his angered tone raised with each passing sentence I felt pain radiate throughout my head. My insides were aching and while I appreciated his commitment to the job, the only thing I wanted to hear from him was silence.
When I finished throwing up I flushed the toilet, letting out a series of uncomfortable groans as I positioned my body against the wall. With a sigh, I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapping one around them as I unmuted my phone and groaned.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Hey Dick," I sniffed loudly, leaning my chin against the tops of my knees as I closed my eyes, "I'm feeling down." I figured after yesterday's agreement he'd get the gist that something was up. As I waited for him to respond I steadied my breathing, trying to focus on the act itself as I felt my stomach continue to churn.
"What do you need, Riff-Raff?" His tone immediately changed. Instead of his usual loudness his voice softened, hints of concern lacing his words.
"I don't know." I could feel the tears start to bubble up. Thanks to his casual side comment the other day I couldn't stop thinking about the night at the hospital. Reid and I definitely forgot to use condom and while normally with my scheduled birth control intake we were fine, but thanks to Kane I'd obviously missed a couple of days.
"Do you want me to come over?"
I shook my head, a sob escaping my lips. The last thing I wanted was for my boss to see me crying on my bathroom floor. It was bad enough I had to talk to him right now, even though I knew he didn't care. Like always, being emotional was never something I was particularly good at, so it made the situation difficult.
"Kid, you still there?"
I tried to steady the sadness pouring out of my body. I muted my phone again, taking a couple of loud, deep breaths. As I did I could hear Cooper repeating my name, asking me if I was still there and if I was okay. The desperation in his voice only made me cry more, so instead of continuing the conversation I just hung up, tossing my phone onto the floor before burying my head into the crooks of my elbows.
After I came home last night I made the mistake of googling pregnancy symptoms. Before, when the idea wasn't ingrained at the back of my mind, I felt okay, like the reason behind my sickness was something mundane like a back injury. The more I read though, the more the anxiety started to build up. Not only was I throwing up, but my period was late; something that never happened. Unlike most woman I knew, I had the period schedule of a drill sergeant. Thanks to years of taking the same birth control my body had developed a system and that system never failed.

FREAKING OUT ² ➢ spencer reid
Fanfiction|| SEQUEL TO EASY WAY OUT || After quitting her job oversees, Isla Rafferty soon finds herself lost, alone, and once again longing for Spencer Reid; the man she left behind. [word count: approx. 184,000] COMPLETED.