After taking a couple of moments to celebrate in peace, Reid and I left the clinic, holding hands tightly as we sipped our cooled down coffees. Once outside, we lingered near the entrance of the building, unable to part ways thanks to the sudden news we'd just discovered.
"Guess we'll have to start coming up with names." I gave him a subtle brow wiggle as I sipped my drink. While the flavour was fine, the lack of heat made me scrunch up my face and pull away. In response, Reid shook his head and sipped his own, unfazed at the taste. "How do you feel about Spencer Jr.?"
At that point he scrunched up his face too, shaking his head.
"You mean you don't wanna name your kid after yourself?" I asked sarcastically, holding back a smirk.
"I'm not that ostentatious," he retorted.
"I mean fair, but Spencer is a great name. You sure you don't wanna share it?"
"I'm pretty sure."
I snorted and shook my head, taking a couple of steps towards Luke's car. As I did, I dragged Reid over, gripping his hand tightly. "How about my name, but like the male version?" I turned to face him once we got to the car. I leaned against the door, raising my brow curiously.
"Actually, Isla was originally a predominantly male given name," Reid replied.
He nodded and took a sip of his coffee.
"Alright, so that's one name down," I joked.
Reid rolled his eyes and pushed me aside, shaking his head as he opened the door and motioned me inside. "We're not naming our kids after ourselves. That's way too pretentious."
"Have you met me? I'm the definition of pretentious," I replied with a smirk. As I spoke I reached out to ruffle his hair, causing him to groan in annoyance and pull away.
"I wouldn't say you're pretentious. Tasteless, maybe, but not pretentious."
I scoffed at his comment and handed him my coffee, shooting him a glare as I maneuvered myself into the seat. Instead of apologizing, he merely laughed and watched me struggle to get comfortable. When I was, I reached over to throw on my seatbelt, softening my stare once I realized he was smiling. "What are you smiling at, pretty boy?"
"You," he responded simply.
I stuck out my tongue and fake gagged as I fished through my bag to find Luke's keys. Once I got them I stuck them into the ignition and adjusted the radio so that it was quietly playing in the background.
"Meet you at the house?" He questioned.
I looked over and nodded. "Yeah. Wanna call Rossi and let him know where we're at?"
"Sure." He leaned over and kissed my cheek, flashing me one last smile before closing the door and moving onto the sidewalk. Once there, he walked towards his car, making a quick stop at a garbage can nearby to throw out my still full coffee.
Once he was out of view I did a quick check of the street and pulled out onto it, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Even with the absence of coffee, I still felt like I was vibrating the whole way home. In just twenty-two weeks Reid and I would be welcoming a pair of boys into our lives, which in my opinion was absolutely wonderful.
When I got to the house I shut off the car and slipped outside, feeling a set of pains radiate in my lower back. I bit my lip, suppressing a groan as I straighten out my body and closed the door. Immediately, I pressed my hand to the base of my spine as I waddled up the driveway and into the house. Silently, I slipped down the stairs, instantly throwing my body onto the bed with a sigh.

FREAKING OUT ² ➢ spencer reid
Fanfiction|| SEQUEL TO EASY WAY OUT || After quitting her job oversees, Isla Rafferty soon finds herself lost, alone, and once again longing for Spencer Reid; the man she left behind. [word count: approx. 184,000] COMPLETED.