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"Do I look fatter to you?" I lifted up the hem of my shirt, exposing the lower half of my stomach as I glanced up at Reid and Luke. The two of them were sat at the kitchen island, eating breakfast as they casually talked about whatever nerdy topic they'd decided on this time.

Reid narrowed his eyes and stood up, walking to my side. Immediately he felt my stomach, giving me a few curious glances as he moved his palms to various areas of the skin. While doing so, Luke stared uncomfortably from his seat, shovelling a couple of bites of egg into his mouth as he watched the two of us examine the matter further. "Have you weighed yourself?" He asked, mouth still full.

I shook my head and moved Reid's hands away. "I don't have a scale." I smoothed my shirt back down and moved to my seat, letting out a heavy sigh as I grabbed my fork and started eating again.

After that night at Okeefe's, Reid and I fell off the social map a bit. After everything that happened between Morgan and I, I knew we needed to talk about things, so instead of jumping right back into work, we decided to take a couple of days to recoup. Today being our last one off.

"What time do you guys have to leave today?" Luke's eyes darted between the two of us, his brow raising curiously.

Just thinking about all the things we had to do today made me want to cry. On top of having our first ultrasound appointment, we also had dinner with my family; an event that the more I envision happening the more anxiety I felt.

Reid assured me everything would be fine and while I wanted to believe him I couldn't help, but imagine the potential disastrous scenarios that might occur. My parents, despite the chill, relaxed personas they gave off, were pretty old school and often times adopted views that both Issac and I definitely disagreed with.

"Our appointment's in an hour, so we'll probably leave after we eat," I responded.

Reid sat back down and started eating again, while I merely picked at the food on my plate, staring at it nervously. At this point my intense morning sickness was starting to settle, along with my back pain, which I knew was a good thing. Having to perform daily tasks with that kind of annoyance around was starting to becoming overwhelming. However, over the last day or so my appetite had dwindled greatly; something that Reid noticed immediately.

"You need to eat," Reid pointed to my plate with his fork, giving me a stern look.

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue as I stabbed a portion of egg and shoveled into my mouth. I chewed it obnoxiously in his direction, making sure to smack my lips together loudly as I leaned into his ear. He cringed at the sound and pushed me away, narrowing his eyes. I laughed and swallowed my food before grabbing another bite. This time I ate it normally and stared at my plate.

"Do you guys get to find out the gender?"

"No, but we get to hear the heartbeat," I replied excitedly.

"That sounds boring." Luke frowned.

"The first test is actually used to determine a more accurate due date and to track milestones during your pregnancy," Reid stated.

"And to check for complications," I added.

Reid nodded his head, giving me a proud smile as he rubbed my shoulder and continued eating.

After that we sat in silence, throwing back our food as quickly as possible in anticipation for the rest of the day. To say I was nervous was an understatement. All week I'd been looking forward to this moment and while it was definitely something to be excited for I couldn't help, but feel fairly anxious as well. What if we couldn't hear the heartbeat? Or what if there were some sort of complications that would make things more difficult? At this point I had a billion questions swimming through my mind; all of them impatiently waiting for an answer. Like usual, Reid tried his best to answer most of them, spitting out facts in order to calm me down as I anxiously waited for the reality to set in.

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