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My alarm went off around one, which normally would've bothered me, but given the events of today, only caused my excitement to grow. I sat up from my bed and grabbed my phone, silencing it's repetitive sounds as I moved towards the side of the mattress. I threw my legs over the edge as I rubbed my eyes and called Reid, pulling the phone up to my ear. He picked up on the third ring, but didn't say anything.

"You there?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just talking to the realtor. What's up?"

"I, uh, just finished," I lied, biting my bottom lip.

"How'd it go?"

"Good, I think." I narrowed my eyes curiously. Up until this morning Reid knew I was still undecided, so my guess at to what his reaction might be was still a mystery. I knew in the end he'd be supportive either way, but something inside me wondered if he'd be disappointed too. I mean, he was part of the reason I got the opportunity in the first place, so I couldn't really blame him if he was.

"What did you say?" He asked the question cautiously, which only made my sudden nervousness on the matter worse.

"I said no." I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, hearing him let out a sigh that somehow sounded relieved. "Is that okay?"

"It's more than okay," he responded, "honestly, after the last time we talked I was kind of nervous about you coming back."


"Yeah. Obviously it's your choice, but I'm not gonna lie, the idea was starting to freak me out."

His reaction, while somewhat surprising, still made sense. Ever since I started showing he'd become increasingly invested in my well being, which was fine. Though, sometimes I had to admit he could be a little overbearing. Deep down, I knew he was just trying to make me feel good. Being pregnant sucked and it wasn't like I was hiding it. Every chance I could I found a reason to complain, despite my better judgement telling me not too, and every time I did he was always there to help.

"I think Hotch was the one to finally talk me out of it," I admitted.

"Hotch is a smart guy," Reid responded with a laugh.

I smiled and stood from the mattress, letting out a low groan. "How's house hunting?"

"Bad," Reid replied with a sigh, "most places are too small or out of our price range." I could tell he was disappointed, which physically hurt my chest to think about. At this point we'd spent a couple of weeks searching with no luck and I could tell it was getting to him.

"We'll find one. We still got uh..." I narrowed my eyes, trying to think of the right number.

"One hundred and fifty-four days."

"Yes, that number. We have that many days left."

Reid merely laughed.

"It's not funny. Pregnancy brain is a real thing and it's killing my intelligence."

"You know the brain fog you're experiencing is most likely caused by the amount of hormonal changes you're going through. That and the increased levels of stress and lack of sleep you've been getting."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Dr. Smart Ass, you got any other diagnosis's for me?"

"Some women are sensitive to changes in progesterone, which tends to make them more irritable," he responded. I could almost hear the smirk plastered across his lips.

"I sense some hostility coming from your end of the phone call so I'm gonna let you go so I can get up and get ready."

"I thought you were ready?" He questioned slyly.

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