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Just to clarify this takes place when the Sakamaki brothers are kids.

It was a bright and sunny day at the Sakamaki mansion. All the brothers were doing their own things. Shu and Reiji were outside with Shu running around in the grass while Beatrix and Reiji sat a little bit away from him reading. The triplets were inside trying to escape their studies. And Subaru was standing outside of his mother's tower.

During all of this Karlheinz appeared outside with a young girl. She had the same hair and eyes as Shu and once seen together others will further learn that she had the same playful energy that he had. Her hair was in a braid that went down to the middle of her back and wore a flowing white, long sleeve dress.

Holding her hand, Karlheinz guided the girl towards where one of his wives and two of his sons were in their spot in the grass. Shu was the first to notice and stopped his running before calling out to his mother. Looking up from her book Beatrix saw her husband with the girl and a frown made its way to her face. She closed her book and placed it on the ground beside her before standing up and brushing out any dirt or grass from her dress.

"Karlheinz, what an unexpected visit," Beatrix said, not bothering to put on a smile. It was true that vampire hadn't been with his family in a while so him randomly showing up was a surprise. Beatrix then looked over at the girl who was smiling in Shu's direction with him giving a shy smile in return. "And who is this?"

"Well..." Karlheinze dragged on with a teasing smile. During the conversation Reiji had stopped reading his book and looked at the girl. He was suprised to see that she looked just like Shu and could pull off as the female version of him. But then a feeling of jelousy came when he knew that whatever was about to happen would most likely be in Shu's favor. "Shu, why don't you come over here."

Said boy looked to his mother for aproval and when she nodded he instantly ran over to his father and the girl. The elder vampire let go of the girl's hand and gently nudged her towards Shu. "Say hi to your new gift."

Shu furrowed his eyebrow's and looked at his father in confusion. How could a girl possibly be a gift? Normally a gift might be clothes, a book, or possibly a stuffed animal like Kanato's teddy. A girl being a gift was quite strange. He wasn't the only confused one as Beatrix rose an eyebrow in question and Reiji had a confused look on his face as well. "What do you mean she's my gift?" he asked, pointing at the girl. Karheinze chuckled at the boy's confusion before explaining.

"What I mean is that she is yours. You can do whatever you want with her. She can be your playmate, your reading buddy, or just someone to talk to." Shu stared at the girl in awe when the information finally clicked in his head. She was his. That was why she looked so much like him, because that shows that she was supposed to be with him. He could finally have someone to be with when he wasn't with Edgar.

"Will she be with me forever?" Shu asked, not taking his eyes off of her. Again Karlheinze chuckled at the innocence behind the question.

"Yes, she will be with you forever."

Shu's already large smile grew impossibly larger and in turn so did the girl's. "What's her name?"

"She doesn't have one so you will need to name her."

Shu squinted his eyes in thought and was silent for a few moments before his eyes lit up. "How about Sakura?" he exclaimed.

"That is a beautiful name," his father complimented before turning to the newly named girl, "what do you think?"

Shu was suprisingly nervous as he waited for the girl to answer. Sensing his nervousness she decided to tease him and put her finger to her chin and started humming to make it look like she was thinking. After a few moments, which felt like forever to Shu, she looked at him with a grin before she began to jump up and down. "I love it!" she exclaimed in glee and for a moment Shu thought he was going to melt at the sound of her voice. Deciding that he wanted to start playing with his new friend immediately he grabbed Sokura by the hand and quickly dragged her off back to the area of grass that he was originally running in.

"Come on, I want to teach you how to play all the games I know," he shouted excitedly with the girl giggling behing him. Karlheinze stared at his oldest son with a satisfied smile as he began to play with his new gift. He had doubted doing this for a minute but seeing how happy Shu was now made him realize that as always his plans always worked.

"Why did you do this?" Beatrix questioned with her eyes narrowed in suspicion at her husband, "you never do anything without a motive."

Karlheinze looked at her with an innocent smile and tilted his head at her playfully. "Why, Beatrix, can't I just gift my son with a new friend?" Beatrix stared at him in suspicion for a few moments before turning around and walking back to her spot beside Reiji and sitting down to continue. When Karlheinze looked at his other son he saw that he was looking at his brother and Sakura with sadness and a little bit of jelousy. Feeling his gaze Reiji turned his head and looked at his father in question. He simply gave him a small smile that promised something before turning around and walked away.

"Do you think I'll get one too?" Reiji muttered quietly to his mother. Much to his dismay she ingnored him and continued to read her book, not even indicating that she heard him. Sighing, he look back at his brother who was laughing as Sakura chased him with a bright smile. He just hoped that he'll get someone to share his happiness with a well.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKK so this chapter is an experiment to see if I will continue this or not. It is the first official chapter of the story but I need you guys to comment and tell me if you guys want me to continue this. If you guys do then the next chapter will be with Reiji getting his "soulmate" or other half or whatever you want to call it.

Welp, see ya!

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