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Warning: there are mentions of torture and harm.


That was all the boys could feel. They felt as if half of their sould had been ripped out of them. The sadistic Sakamaki boys had been brought to their knees.

They knew that they had to save Yui somehow but they could barely even think. Reiji had gone to his study to create something to get rid of Cordelia after Subaru ripped his knife out of her heart. As they sat around the girl nobody but a certain red head noticed the disappearence of Richter. After following his uncle as the man pathetically dragged himself to his mothers room he was slightly suprised to see the secret room that he kept his mother's dress in but his shock disappeared quickly. He wanted nothing more than for him to die.

As Richter reached out for the dress on his knees Laito spoke up. "So this is where you kept her dress. Im quite suprised that none of us had found this room." Richter turned around at the dead voice of his nephew and for the first time in a while felt fear. The normally teasing look on his face was nowhere to be found on his emotionless one. But what scared him was the bloodthirsty look in his eyes. "Let me ask you this. Was it worth it?"

"Was what worth it?" Richter spat.

"Their deaths. Her death..." Laito drifted off, still not wanting to believe it. A part of him knew that the chances of his beloved Kaiya being dead were high but an even larger part of him still clinged onto the hope that they were all wrong and that she was waiting for him wherever she was. And despite all that he had done Richter felt sympathy for the boy.

"Believe me I never wanted this to happen," Richter began, "the plan was for me to become head of the family. The girls weren't apart of the plan until Cordelia awakened. Im sorry."

"Don't you dare lie!" Laito roared. His body shook as he glared at the man he despised. His voice quieted down as he held up the lit oil lamp. "I'll see you in Hell." Richters eyes widened when Laito threw the lamp to the ground without hesitation and the flames surrounded him. As Laito began to leave he shouted one more thing.

"They're a few miles north of here! In the old house in the woods!" Laito's head whipped around and he gaped at his uncle as the flames began to climb up his body. He wanted to hear more but the trap door to the room had already slid shut. He thought of the possibility of his uncle lying to just worsen their grief but he was never one to lie. Teleporting back to the living room he was about to tell the others but shut his mouth as he saw Ayato pouring something in Yui's mouth. After a few moments the once unconscious girl's eyes fluttered open. She looked around in confusion before raising her hand out in front of her.

"Im alive?" she questioned before looking at everyone, "and you all are here too." She began to smile before her eyebrows furrowed and she looked around again. "Where are the girls?" The tension in the room increased as Kanato began to sob as he hugged Teddy while gripping onto a plastic bag that held Beary's ashes. Ayato tensed and looked away as Shu and Reiji looked down solemnly. Subaru began shaking and it took everything in his power not to puch a wall. After a moment Yui remembered the earlier events that had taken place and her own eyes filled with tears. "No..."

Suddenly the letters and Rin's words from a few nights ago made sense.

Sakura: Don't let Shu isolate himself.

Fleur: Don't let Reiji think any less of himself.

Akari: Comfort Ayato, he wont be okay.

Kaiya: Don't let Laito blame himself.

Angel: Don't let Kanato be angry.

Rin: Don't let Subaru kill himself.

The last one especially worried Yui as she looked over as Subaru and saw him eyeing his bloody knife. He wasn't willing to let himself live without Rin.

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