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It had been a week since Sakura came to live with the Sakamakis as Shu's new friend. There was rarely a moment when the two were apart as they were practically attached to the hip. The other triplets had seen the newcomer and asked their mother about it but she simply waved it off. To say that the other brothers, except Subaru, were jealous would be an understatement. Although the triplets had each other they wanted someone they could keep and call their's like Shu. Reiji wanted that as well, especially since his brother had someone and he didn't.

It didn't make sense to him. Shu got everything he could want. Their mothers attention, his friend Edgar, and was spoiled with anything he wanted. So why couldn't just this once he have something that he wanted?

Reiji was sitting in the library and reading a book in an armchair quietly while his brothers played outside. He always made sure that there was an empty seat beside him just in case there was ever the smallest chance that his mother would willingly want to come and read with him. The sound of the door opening but payed no mind to it. It was probably one of the maids coming in to clean again. He continued to read and was lost it his own little world for a few moments more when he noticed that the sound of footsteps was coming closer and closer to him. Still not looking up he listened more to see if whoever it was would simply pass him but that was not the case. The footsteps stopped right in front of him and the sound of someone clearing their throat caused him to look up.

There in front of him was Karlheinz with a girl who wore a dark purple, long sleeved gown with ruffles on the bottom. Her purple-black hair was done in an intricate french braid and her red eyes shining with intelligence. Her posture was straight and her hands were neatly folded neatly im front of her and she greeted Reiji with a small but kind smile. He saw how much she looked like him and hope swelled in his chest but his expression remained stoic, though his father could see the emotion in his eyes.

"I believe you already know why she is here," Karlheinz said with a smile. He looked at Reiji expectantly and waited for him to say it himself. He saw this and looked away defiantly but knew that his father would wait until he said it.

"She's mine...isn't she?" He spoke hesitantly and said it more as a question than a statement. He didn't want to be wrong and be laughed at by his father for assuming such a thing but when he looked up Karlheinz gave him a nod, proving that what he said was true.

"What would you like to name her?"

The question was simple. It would only take a moment of thought to answer it. But Reiji say there silently with his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought as any possible names ran through his head. To him the name had to be absolutely perfect as anything but would be unacceptable. Finally after half a minute if silence he finally spoke.


"Fleur?" Karlheinz repeated in confusion before saying, "I have never heard a name like that before."

"It is a french name that also means flower." He looked at Fleur before saying in a whisper, "She has the grace and beauty of one too." Karlheinz was in slight shock. Usually Reiji is always calm and composed with his face completely void of emotion, but yet here he was whispering shyly in the presence of a girl he had just met.

He smirked before turning around and began to walk out and called over his shoulder, "Have fun!"

With the two kids being the only one's in the room an awkward silence began. Reiji would glance at Fleur from time to time while she was just casually staring at him. This went in for about two minutes before Fleur deciding to speak up.

"So, if I may ask, what is it that you are reading?" Reiji looked up in surprise,not expecting her to be interested, but quickly regained his composure and went back to having the same expressionless face as before.

"It's a book of poems," he answered, "they each speak of different things such as emotions, places, people, or anything else." Fleur hummed in interest and walked over to the chair beside him, sat down, and looked over at the book.

"Will you read me your favorite one?" The question didn't sound forced, she actually seemed like she was genuinely interested in what his favorite poem was. She actually wanted to sit and talk with him unlike his mother. She was actually giving him attention, and the best part was that since she was his was that she would always give her attention to him.

With this realisation Reiji's spirits lifted and he nodded happily before flipping through the book and began reading his favorite poem. They were like that for the rest of the day.

I'm sorry if Reiji seemed a little OOC in this chapter but hey at least I tried.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. I think you know who's next.

Welp, see ya!

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