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I looked back at my last chapter and realised that it was a pretty boring one so hopefully this one is better.

It was the next day when it was time for Kanato to be gifted with his girl. The only problem was that Karlheinz couldn't find him. He had looked in his room, outside in the kitchen and asked his brothers and the other mother's if they had seen him. None could give him an answer. After a while of looking he finally found him curled into a ball in the graveyard they had. As he got closer the sound of sniffles and sobs could be heard. Kanato had Teddy squeezed against his chest as he rocked back and forth. Karheinz stopped in front of him and waited for boy to notice him. It took a minute but the purple haired boy looked up to see his father looking at him with a frown.

"L-leave me alone," Kanato demanded in a harsh voice and looked at the elder vampire with a glare. He simply chuckled and looked at his son with a mocking smile. This infuriated Kanato even more and he squeezed Teddy even more. "I SAID GO AWAY!"

"My, my what a temper," Karlheinz teased before putting on a serious face, "but I guess that just mean's I can tell the girl in the kitchen to get rid of the cake she made and that we can just leave."

Immediately Kanato's tears stopped and the grip on his stuffed animal relaxed a little. "W-what girl?"

"Oh, you know," his father sighed dramatically, "today was the day that you were going to get your girl. She made a cake and was so excited to meet you but I guess I can just tell her that you don't want to see her." He sent a final teasing smile to Kanato before turning around and began to walk away.

"No!" Kanato hurried to his feet and ran past Karlheinz as fast as he could. He made his way out of the graveyard and dashed towards an entrance to the manor. He sprinted through the halls, one of which held a certain mother of his.

"My little songbird," Cordelia cooed, "why don't you-" Kanato paid no mind to her and ran past her. She had a flabergasted look on her face as she turned to look at the retreating back of her son before it turned to one of anger. "Get back here you brat!"

Alas he continued to ignore her and after going through a few more halls he made it to the kitchen where a giant cake with colorful frosting was waiting for him on the table in the middle of the room. Kanato's eyes widened and a giant smile grew on his face as he neared the cake. There were multiple splashes of color and a in the middle of it was a picture of Teddy made out of frosting and sweets. He reached out and swiped some frosting onto his finger before licking it off. His smile got impossibly wider and he sighed in content at the taste of it. Noticing that there was a fork beside it he grabbed it and began to dig in with Teddy pressed to his side.

"I hoped you would like it," a small voice said from behind him. Kanato ceased his eating and turned around with his mouth full to look at the girl behing him. She wore a pretty, off shoulder purple dress that had a black bow that wrapped tightly around her waist with slightly heeled shoes. Her violet eyes shined with glee at seeing the boy in front of her and her light purple hair flowed freely down her back. In her hand she held a bowl of what Kanato instantly knew was rasaberry pudding. Seeing his attention on the dessert in her hand she smiled and held it out for him. "Here, its freshly made, I heard it was your favorite." Kanato looked at her, then looked at the pudding, then repeated the action again before putting Teddy down on the table behind him and then hesitantly grabbing the bowl. He scrutinized it, as if trying to find a single flaw in it, before grabbing the fork again and taking a large scoop of the pudding. When the dessert touched his tongue he gasped in delight and wasted no time in taking another bite. It was then he noticed that the girl was still staring at him. He scooped some pudding onto the fork and offered it to her, thinking she wanted some. Her smile grew bigger and she leaned forward to eat it. When she leaned back Kanato went back to eating for a few moments before looking back at her.

"So," he began, "since my other brothers have someone and I dont you're going to be mine."

She giggled and Kanato looked at her in slight confusion. "I already was going to be your's, silly, thats why I'm here."

"Good," he responded firmly and looked over at Teddy. "She's pretty, ne Teddy?" (I think that's how he says it when he's talking to Teddy, correct me if im wrong) He spoke to the bear in a soft voice and was silent for a few seconds before looking back at the girl. "Teddy thanks you for making us dessert."

"Well, tell him that I am happy to make you something sweet anytime you want."

Kanato stared at her at her and then nodded to himself as if agreeing to something that no one else could hear. "Your names Angel now. I heard my other brothers gave the other girls names so I want you to be Angel."

"Angel," she said, testing out the new name, "I like it."

"Good, because you cant ever change it."

As the two continued to talk they were unaware of the eyes that were glaring at them in the shadows of the doorway.

I like this chapter soooooooooooooo much more than the other ones. I know the other chapters dont have as much interaction between the brothers and the girls as this one so ill make sure to have them interact more in future chapters.

Hope you guys liked it and...yeah. Welp, see ya!

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