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Yui was standing outside in the rose garden when she heard the sound of a piano playing. She was confused, as she was certain she had seen Sakura sleeping with Shu in the entry hall. Wanting to see if she could talk to her, though, she made her way to the piano room. The music got louder and louder as she got closer to the room and when she walked in she was suprised to see Laito and Kaiya sitting at the piano with the male playing it. They both had their eyes closed and Kaiya had her head laid on his shoulder. Sensing Yui in the room Laito acknowledged her.

"Why, hello, Little Bitch," Laito greeted, "I am actually quite thrilled that we ran into each other here." Not opening his eyes, he continued to play while Yui walked up to them.

"Laito, Kaiya...who is the lady in the purple dress?" Immediately the vampires fingers froze on the piano keys and he and Kaiya's eyes opened. "She's a pretty! The lady with long purple hair."

"Why do you want to know that?"

Looking behind the two she saw Kanato, Angel, Ayato, and Akari looking at her with grim faces. "What are you doing here?" Ayato asked.

"You rarely approach one of us willingly," Akari said.

"Ayato, Kanato, what is your mothers name?" Yui persisted. It was then that she noticed the icy atmosphere that grew in the room. The brothers faces grew grim along with the girls. Kanato hid his and Teddy's face in Angels shoulder with Angel petting his hair comfortingly. Under the piano Kaiya gabbed Laito's hand, though he didn't seem to notice. A glare grew on Ayato's and Akari's face as he said the name of the women who ruined all of their lives.



A scream echoed through the mansion on the night of a red full moon. The night gave off an atmoshere of bloodlust, bloodlust that would soon be saterated.

Upon the grand steps sat Cordelia as she desperately tried to back away from her bloody son. ""

Ayato looked down and saw the blood that was all over his previously white shirt. "Aw it's ruined now. What a shame, I liked this shirt too. So did Akari, but what a shame she can't see it now." Raising his bloody hand up to his face he looked at his mother from the corner of his eye. "Look, it's covered in your blood mom." Licking the blood from his hand the smirk on his face was replaced with a look of disgust. "Your blood tastes foul." Smirking once again he looked at the terrifed women. "But it looks so pretty, I wan't to see more of it spilled."

Cordelia's eyes widened as she back away before turning around and running down the hall, Ayato's bone chilling laughter echoing behind her. The hall floor had puddles of her blood as she trudged forward. Feeling herself grow weak Cordelia collapsed against the wall before she gritted her teeth and pushed herself to go forward, smearing the wall with her blood. When she got to the piano room she slammed the doors open and nearly dropped to the ground. Seeing Laito at the piano she walked toward him with slow steps. "Laito...Laito..."

"Oh no, what's wrong?" Laito teased, a smirk of his own on his face.

"It's Ayato," Cordelia panted, "he's torturing me!"

"Really," Laito dragged out. "Well, I knew this would happen sooner or later. Considering you took Akari away."

"Laito, I command you to help me!" Cordelia demanded, having enough of his games. The smirk on the red head's face fell and he sat up with a blank look. When when what sounded like footsteps marching down the hall sounded she began to panick. "It's Ayato, he has come for me! He's coming to kill me!"

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