The End

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At the unexpected shout everyone jumped causing Subaru to trip over his feet and fall, bringing Yui down with him. As they fell they ran into the rest of the unsuspecting group. Within a few seconds the whole group was in a pile at the bottom of the stairs groaning in pain and annoyance. "Well...that's not what I was expecting..."


"My butt is fabulous thank you very much!"

"Four eyes why do you have a knife in your pocket? It's stabbing Yours Truly!"

"We will discuss that later. For now this deadbeat needs to remove his foot from my face."

"I would if Subaru would get off of me."

"Would you all just shut up! My ears can't take much more of this!"


"Im so sorry," Yui said quickly as she rushed to get off of the vampires. With her off of them they attempted to get up.

Key word: attempted.

Their attempt to untangle themselves from each other was futile as they continued to trip over one another and drag each other down while continuing to yell and curse at each other. "Should we help them or?"

"Dont you dare. This is getting good."

"Your manners in this situation are utterly deplorable."

"Beary, look at Kanato's angry face. It's funny."

"Subaru looks ridiculous."

"You all are so noisy..."

At the sound of female voices the brothers stopped in their fighting and looked over at where they came from with wide eyes. "Oh, now you notice us," Akari said while rolling her eyes. "Just when you were about to start punching each other."

"It was bound to stop one way or another," Fleur said pointedly.

"Awww, the shows over Beary," Angel whined.

"I did say we should help them," Kaiya shrugged, "now they're probably going to get mad at us."

"Damn it. You don't think Subaru heard what I said right?" Rin asked with wide eyes.

"That's the most amount of effort I've ever seen Shu put into something," Sakura smirked in amusement.

Everyone stared at the girls with wide eyes with their jaws practically on the floor. It was silent for almost a minute before Kanato's eyes watered and he began to whimper a little. "Don't cry Kanato," Angel panicked, "Beary and I get sad when you're sad and then we're both sad."

"Angel!" Kanato wailed before grabbing Teddy, getting up as fast as he could, and ran over to where the girl stood with the others. When he was close enough he launched himself at her and tackled her to the ground with the girl as he continued to wail like a child. "You're never allowed to leave my sight again. You have to be can never leave my side for anything." Angel just giggled as she petted his hair while he continued to cry into her shoulder.

Nobody else moved as they watched the two with wide eyes. "Wow," Akari said in mock disappointment. "I guess Angel is the only one who will ever get love. I knew that I was destined to be alone forever-hmph!" She was cut off when she felt a pair of his crash onto hers. Before she could process what was happening she the person pulled away and wrapped their arms around her as tight as they could. "Ayato...cant...breath...starting to...see...the light."

"I don't care," Ayato said in a firm voice as he nuzzled his face in her neck. "Just let me hug you."

Beside them Laito was in front of Kaiya as he continued to stare at her in disbelief. She smiled and playfully flipped her hair. "Sir, I know Im good looking but I have a man already. I dont mind if you take a picture though." A smile of his own grew on his face and a small smile grew on Laito's face. He gave a faint chuckle.

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