Sacrificial Bride

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Outside the Sakamaki mansion a limo parked outside of the gates to the mansion. Opening the door a girl with blonde hair and pink eyes stepped out and retrieved her luggage before the limo drove off without the driver saying a word. Looking up at the mansion in awe Yui began to make her way to the entrance when rain began to pour down from the darkened sky.

She looked up and blinked a couple times at the sudden downpour. "Its raining." Right after she said that a clap of thunder sounded along with a bright flash of lightning. Gasping a little the blonde ran to the doors and dragged her suitcase up a few stairs. Grabbing the door knocker she slammed it against the wood but received no answer.

"Excuse me," Yui timidly called. Still receiving no answer she reached for the handle and gasped in shock when the door opened by itself with a loud creak. Stepping inside she looked around the area whilst continuing to call out for the anyone who lived there. Behind her the door closed but she paid no mind to it. "This is unusual," she began, "maybe no one told them i'd be arriving today." In front of her was a grand staircase that had a red carpet decorating its steps. Above it a big chandelier shone with many lit candles as it swayed back and forth. "Is anyone home?"

Again, no answer.

Looking around Yui began to think why no one had yet to come to her before she saw two red heads on a couch beside the staircase. They both wore what appeared to be school uniforms with the male's ruffed up a bit. They were both dead still with the male lying down with an arm behind his head and the other wrapped tightly around the female on top of him. She laid with her back on his chest and both arms wrapped around the one he had on her, her hair up in a ponytail. What shocked Yui a little was how pale their complexions were. Quickly shaking away that thought she walked over to them.

"U-um, excuse me?" she asked as she reached out to touch their hands. She quickly drew her hand back to her chest, though, when she felt just how cold they were. "You guys are both cold! Are you ok?" Dropping her bag beside her Yui got to her knees and placed her head on the girl's chest to where her heart was. Her eyes widened when she didn't hear anything and she quickly placed two fingers above the guy's pulse. "They don't have a pulse," Yui gasped in horror before but before she could do anything else the guy's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before flinging her towards the ground. A small 'oof' escaped Yui's mouth when her body smacked the ground and when she looked up she was suprised to see that both of them were awake.

"Damn you're noisy..." the male said as he sat up with the girl in his lap.

"...this isn't even you house," the girl finished as they glared at the blonde.

Yui's eyes were as wide as saucers when she saw that the two were indeed not dead. "Y-you guys are alive."

"Why wouldn't we be alive," the male red head scoffed, "seriously what do you think we are anyway."

"Go on," the other red head spoke, "we'll give you three guesses."

"But-but your hearts weren't beating at all," Yui said, ignoring what the girl had said. Apparently that didn't please them from the way their eyes narrowed. In the blink of an eye Yui found herself thrown across the couch with the guy hovering above her with a harsh glare and the girl standing beside him wearing the same expression. "What do you think you're doing!" Yui cried.

"Punishing you," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You ignored Akari so you need to be taught a lesson." He leaned down and dragged his tounge up Yui's throat and in response she whimpered in both disgust and fear. Smirking at this he opened his mouth and was about to sink his fangs into her throat when a stern voice stopped him.

"Ayato, what's all the commotion down here?"

"Damn it, it's Reiji," Ayato cursed when he saw the male.

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