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When the last bell for school rang Yui rushed down the stairs. When she turned she was relieved to find a phone. Rushing to it she set her bag down on the table and picked up the phone. Putting it to her ear she waited but slammed it back down when she turned and saw Kanato standing there. A little bit behind him Angel was silently talking to her own bear, paying no attention Kanato and Yui. "K-Kanato, you're still here?"

"Yui, don't you understand why I'm here?" he asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world. When she didn't answer he continued. "Im thirsty and so is Teddy," he said, taking a few steps closer to her. "Say Teddy, what do you think of Yui being so callous?"

"I-Im sorry," Yui apologized before an idea popped into her head. "All right, I'll go buy you something. Im sorry Teddy."

"Would you please not address my Teddy as though you know him?" Kanato said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Me and Angel are the only advisors he and Beary need." He turned his head a little to look at Angel. "Isn't that right Teddy and Beary?"

"I-I didn't k-know," Yui said fearfully, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. "Anyway, I'll be right back." She speed walked away from them, leaving the two to stare at her retreating figure.

"She really is stupid, isn't she Teddy?"

"She's not that dumb," Angel said, not looking up from Beary, "she was smart enough not to get us caught when we were setting up pranks."

Kanato's eyes narrowed a little and he looked over his shoulder at her. "Me and Teddy don't want you and Beary around her anymore. From now on you and Beary cannot leave me and Teddy's side."

Not at all fazed by his possessive behavior she looked up at him with a grin that he recuperated. "Oki dokie."

After a couple minutes passed Yui had returned with a steaming cup in her hand. "Here, I brought you coffee." Immediately the cup was smacked out of her hand with some of the hot liquid splashing on her hand. "Ow!"

"I prefer things that are sweet like Angel! I hate things that are bitter like coffee! Why can't you see that?"

"That's no reason to throw it on the floor," Yui whimpered, holding her burned hand to her chest.

"Don't talk back to me!" Kanato yelled over her. "You are worthless and have no right!"

"I-Im s-sorry," Yui tried to say.

"You aren't sorry, so why are you apologizing?"

"Then what do you want from me?"

The furious expression on Kanato's face faded away and he went back to talking in a calm voice. "I want you to think of that on your own."

Flabbergasted Yui tried to talk again. "I-I'll get you s-something else."

"No, thank you. Im no longer interested." Looking down at her hands he noticed how she cradled her hand. He grabbed it and brought it close to his face. "Did the coffee splash your fingers? Was it painfully hot? You poor thing." Leaning down he went to lick her fingers but the second his tongue touched her skin his face twisted into one of revulsion. He threw her hand away from his face and glared at her. "You taste bitter and disgusting." He then turned around and walked over to Angel. It was then that Yui noticed that her bag was missing.

"What? Kanato, Angel, have you seen my bag anywhere?" The two were walking away together when Kanato turned his head to answer.

"I put it on the roof."


"To punish you." Turning back around he brought Teddy closer to him and Angel before saying, "The phone there has been broken for two weeks now. Isn't that common knowledge?" Angel shrugged in response before they both left the hallway together.

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