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In no time the mothers had accepted the girls as their own. Beatrix now taught Sakura about being the heiress alongside Shu, but paid no mind to Fleur which irritated Reiji to no end. Cordelia had Akari, Angel, and Kaiya study and had Angel sing alongside Kanato when she found out that she, too, had an amazing voice. And when Christa allowed Subaru into her tower on rare occasions she would allow Rin to come in as well and talk with her.

As quick as he came, Karlheinz had left. No warning, goodbyes, no indication of when he would come back... nothing.


It was time for the monthly dinner when the gifts came.

The girls were seated next to their designated brother.

Shu and Sakura were whispering and giggling with each other.

Reiji and Fleur sat straight and silently ate their food, but occasionally glanced at one another.

Ayato and Akari were shoving food into their mouth's to see who could finish first.

Kanato and Angel were secretly exchanging sweets under the table.

Laito was nuzzling Kaiya's neck, paying no mind to his food and focusing all his attention on her while she continued to eat her food, having gotten used to his clinginess.

And Subaru sat quietly with his hand holding Rin's under the table while she occasionally fed him some food, refusing to let him starve himself.

The mothers didn't say anything, but a few glares were exchanged between Cordelia and Beatrix.

Suddenly, a line of maids entered the room with the head butler, Jonathan, leading them with a list in his hand. Each maid held a silver platter with a lid on them to conceal what laid on it. Each maid went to stand behind each girl as Jonathan began speaking.

"To the the lovely new members of the Sakamaki household I present these gifts from Lord Karlheinz," he spoke, before the maid behind Sakura lifted the lid of her platter. "To Sakura, music that will never cease to sooth the mind." Sakura grabbed the sheet music and saw that was a beautiful piano piece. "To Fleur, a book that shall never wear down from age." Delicately grabbing the thick book that had a black leather cover and opening it, Fleur flipped through it and saw that it there were many stories written in it. "To Akari, a mirror that will never shatter." Grabbing the small hand mirror Akari gazed at her reflection and grinned before beginning to observe herself from all angles. "To Angel, a stuffed bear that shall never leave your side." The bear was basically a copy of Teddy but with it's eyepatch on the opposite eye. Angel tightly hugged it to her chest with a small smile. "To Kaiya, a beautiful rose that shall never wilt." Kaiya carefully grabbed it and inspected the blood red petals and the sharp thorns before bringing it to her nose and inhaling the sweet scent it gave. "And finally for Rin, a locket who's secrets may never be opened." Rin dangled the chain in between her fingers and looked at the bronze, heart shaped locket that had a keyhole. "Keep these with you forever as a reminder of who brought you here," the butler finished and left the room along with the other maids without another word.

Around the table the boys were looking at the gifts that the girls had gotten. Shu looked over the music sheets, Reiji flipped through the book, Ayato tried to actually shatter the mirror by banding it on the table surface, Kanato and Teddy began playing with Angel and her new bear, Laito was smelling the rose, and Subaru was helping Rin put on the locket before seeing if her could open it.

Not being able to stand the sight of the girls getting gifts and not herself, Cordelia left the room with an annoyed huff. Beatrix observed Shu and Sakura, not sparing a single glance to her other son and what she could call her daughter. Christa quietly chuckled at Subaru's frustrated face at not being able to open the locket and gave him a word of encouragement to which he responded with a determined nod before trying again.

It was most exciting dinner that they ever had.

Im sorry this chapter was so short but if it makes you feel better the next one will be longer...hopefully.


Here are some shout-outs for yall!!!!!!!!!!





Thank you to you guys and...yeah thats it.

Welp, see ya!

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