Chapter Six

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Maddie and I had only been in the library doing homework for five minutes and already Emmy was so bored that she had started to fold up her parchment into paper aeroplanes

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Maddie and I had only been in the library doing homework for five minutes and already Emmy was so bored that she had started to fold up her parchment into paper aeroplanes. Maddie kept sighing every time Emmy enchanted one to make it fly directly at her head. By the time the third one poked her cheek she'd had enough.

"Can you please stop that," She said sternly, looking up from the half a roll of parchment she'd already written for our potions assignment. I'd only written three sentences...

"But I'm so bored, Maddie," Emmy grumbled, folding yet another aeroplane.

"Then find a way to entertain yourself," Maddie snapped and added "One that doesn't involve annoying me!" before Emmy could protest that making aeroplanes was entertaining. Emmy rolled her eyes and put down her half finished paper aeroplane.

"We going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Emmy asked, leaning back in her chair and resting her feet on the desk.

"Absolutely," I chimed in, setting down my quill happy to be taking a break from potions, "But don't tell Kevin that we're going. I need a break from quidditch practice,"

Emmy laughed rather loudly, earning us a sharp glare from Maddie and the other students who were working nearby.

"Tell me about it," Emmy said, bringing her voice down so Madame Pince didn't kick her out of the library, "It's our captain's last year so he's making us practice like crazy so we win."

"Kev's the same except he just doesn't want to come last," I added, picking my quill back up and finishing my sentence before giving up with getting my potions homework finished. I told myself I'd finish it back at the common room and make the most of being with Emmy.

"Not the only difference, Kev's not the captain," Emmy added, I shrugged.

"Yeah but he's, how do I put this nicely, enthusiastic," I said with a raise of my eyebrows, "He's so 'enthusiastic' that he's starting to dictate."

So that means," Emmy said, wiggling her eyebrows, "Honeydukes is our first stop?"

"You know it," I enthused, grinning widely, "I'm going to need some chocolate frogs to get me through this year," I said, pushing my attempt at potions homework across the table to make it stop staring at me. I get it! I haven't done it! Quit trying to make me feel guilty!

Emmy smirked and said: "And by some you mean,"

"A shit tonne." I finished, grinning.

"That's my girl!" Emmy said and we both laughed until Maddie put a stop to it.

"Could you two be quieter?" She hissed, "I don't want Madam Pince to come over, again, and tell us to be quiet. She can kick us out, you know?"

Emmy rolled her eyes and waited for Maddie to look down at her parchment before finishing her half folded paper aeroplane and enchanting it once again to fly into the side of Maddie's head.

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