Chapter Thirty Four

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"You were right, Kevin

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"You were right, Kevin. Ireland really are something, huh?" I said, impressed, as Ireland continued to score point after point leaving the Bulgarian team more and more frustrated.

The Wronski Feint wasn't the only brutal moves Bulgaria were willing to turn to. In their desperation to level the score, Bulgaria turned to some less than legal moves.

The Irish chaser Mullet was currently in possession of the quaffle and was nearing the end goal posts. It was looking like she was going to score again fore Ireland but, just as she raised her arm to throw the quaffle through the hoop, a Bulgarian chaser seemed to come from out of nowhere and the next thing I knew, Mullet was plummeting to the ground and the crowd was booing uncontrollably.

"Oh! He's cobbed her!" Kevin was shouting. He had stood up and was waving his arms around in the direction of the referee to show his displeasure.

"He what?" I said, frowning and watching the mayhem as the referee seemed to get increasingly more distracted by the veela.

"Cobbing. Illegal move," Cedric explained as Kevin was too busy shouting at the referee to answer me, "Basically just elbowed her."

"That's not allowed?" I said, seriously confused, "I had no idea. Slytherin do it all the time."

"Yeah but when has Slytherin not cheated in a game?" Emmy said and she was absolutely right.

Once the referee was snapped out of his veela induced haze by a crowd member throwing their empty drinks can at him, Ireland was awarded a penalty shot which brought the score to 130-10 to Ireland.

The first penalty only paved the way to more illegal moves from the Bulgarian team. Which, of course, only led to more penalties to the Irish. The veela's grew more and more enraged, partly because their team was losing so badly but mostly because the Irish mascots, a whole bunch of leprechauns, were taunting them everytime Ireland scored another point. Which was a lot.

The leprechauns swarmed together to form the words "HA, HA, HA!" and laugh and point at the veela as they sulked after Ireland's latest penalty. The veela on the other side of the field tossed their silvery hair angrily, and started to dance which quickly caught the attention of the referee.

"Look at the referee!" Kevin said, half shouting, half laughing. I followed Kevin's line of sight and saw the referee had sidled up to the veela and was flexing his muscles excitedly.

"Now, we can't have that!" Ludo Bagman announced. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes, "Somebody slap the referee!"

A mediwizard sprinted onto the pitch, taking Bagman's joke literally and promptly kicked the referee in the shins. That seemed to snap him out of the veela trance and instead of flirting he began shouting at the veela instead. Their beauteous flirty looks quickly turned to murderous glares.

"And unless I'm much mistaken, Mostafa is actually attempting to send off the Bulgarian team mascots!" Bagman's voice rang out, "Now there's something we haven't seen before. This could turn nasty."

Bagman was right. While the referee was arguing with the veela, several members of the Bulgarian team had flown down to land on the pitch and started shouting back at the referee. The whole thing did nothing to help as the leprechauns on the other side of the pitch, who had started the whole brawl to begin with, had once again merged together to form the words "HEE HEE HEE!"

The referee gave two short blasts of his whistle and sent the Bulgarian's angrily flying back up into game play and awarded Ireland another two penalties. That seemed to anger the veela even more than the leprechauns' taunting and their faces started to elongate into sharp, cruel-beaks and long, scaly wings sprouted from their shoulders.

"Jesus Christ!" Emmy said, recoiling in her seat. She had been looking at the whole veela situation through the omnioculars and hadn't been prepared for the beastly reveal.

"Looks can be deceiving," Malcolm said with a wink at his daughter who stuck her tongue out at him and returned her attention to the game and not the veela.

After the whole mascot incident, the game started running a lot smoother. Bulgaria still hadn't managed to score but after the referee had threatened to send both the veela and the players arguing with him off, they were playing a lot more cautiously. The unrivaled Irish chasers were still playing strong and working as an undefeatable team to score time and time again. However, I was much more concerned with the Bulgarian seeker than any of the chasers, or indeed the score. I was transfixed on Viktor Krum.

Irish beater, Conolloy, had sent a well timed bludger smacking straight into Krum's jaw but it didn't even knock him off course. Using Emmy's omnioculars I could zoom in and saw Krum's face was a bloodied mess. He looked as if both his eyes were swollen up. There was no way he'd catch the snitch, he couldn't even see it!

I was snapped back into the game by yet another excited announcement from Kevin.

"Look! Look! Look at him go!" Kevin shouted, jumping to his feet and pointing at the pitch while glancing back at Cedric, Emmy and I to make sure we were suitably excited. We all looked to where Kevin was pointing in time to see the blur of green that was Irish seeker Aidan Lynch flying at breakneck speed across the pitch, "That can't be a feint, look at him! Lynch has seen the snitch!"

Despite Krum's definite head wounds, he caught onto the fact that Lynch had seen the snitch and flew after Lynch. Although I was supporting Ireland, part of me wanted Krum to catch the snitch. Ireland were now 170 points ahead of Bulgaria. Even if Krum did catch the snitch, Ireland would still win. And that would mean the twins would win their bet. They put their life savings into their stupid bet with Ludo Bagman. I didn't want to see them broke.

Emmy was intently watching the race for the snitch through her omnioculars leaving me to squint at the blur of red and green in a desperate attempt to try and make out who would catch the snitch. It was no use, I couldn't see a thing. Luckily, thanks to both Ludo Bagman and Kevin, I didn't need to see.

"And Krum catches the snitch ending the game and earning Bulgaria 150 points," Ludo announced as the crowd members wearing red burst into applause, "But it's not enough to beat Ireland and the game ends 170-160 to Ireland. Ireland win the quidditch world cup!" Now it was time for the crowd members wearing green to erupt into noise. The whole crowd, whether cheering or booing, were making some form of noise.

Kevin jumped to his feet, dragging Cedric up with him and clapped him on the shoulder. Emmy jumped up too, throwing her arms up and pumping both fists into the air. I stayed sitting, clapping and whooping loudly until both Emmy and Kevin grabbed me by the shoulders and hauled me to my feet.

"They've only gone and done it!" Kevin was shouting over and over again. Emmy pulled him for a bear hug, sending Kevin's hand, which was still on my shoulder, sliding off.

"They did it!" I cheered as Emmy finally let go of me.

"Ireland won!" she shouted into the wind, laughing and clapping.

"The twins won their bet!"

"The twins won their bet!"

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