Chapter Thirty One

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Turning around we came face to face with a gaggle of redheads, plus Harry and Hermione

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Turning around we came face to face with a gaggle of redheads, plus Harry and Hermione. At the head of the group was who I assumed to be the twins' dad. He was chastising them about something, my guess is as good as anyone else's. Knowing the twins, it could be any number of things. They nodded to their dad but the smirks on their faces suggested they weren't going to stop whatever it was they were doing.

"We can't catch a break, can we?" Emmy leaned over and whispered to me, "Why are they always here?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully at her and glanced back over my shoulder to try and work out what it was the twins were doing that made them look so suspicious. Instead of being inconspicuous as I'd hoped, I immediately caught Fred's eye. I smiled and went to wave when Malcolm called me over.

"Here, Allie, can you help us out with the, er, pounds?" He said, waving me over to where he was trying to pay the muggle campsite owner. He frowned at the coins and I nodded to him. He looked impressed he'd remembered the muggle currency correctly. I shuffled forward to stand next to Malcolm and his collection of muggle coins and notes.

"Now, is this one a..." He asked, holding up a ten-pound note.

"A tenner," I said and he narrowed his eyes, looking intently at the note.

"Ten er?" He said, turning the note around and holding it up as if to inspect it.

"Ten-pound note," I said, seeing where he was getting confused.

"I see," He said thoughtfully. He put the tenner back in his coin pouch and pulled out a twenty, "And this one has twenty so it's a twentier."

"No, it's just a twenty," I corrected. The muggle who Malcolm was supposed to be paying stared at us like we were mad.

"Well, that makes no sense!" Malcolm burst, laughing at the twenty.

"You've got a point, actually," I shrugged. Malcolm was beaming as he handed over the twenty-pound note and received a fistful of coins in change.

"Wow! Look at this one," He said inspecting the coins and picking out a 20p coin, "Look how many sides it has!" He held up the 20p coin for Irma and Anthony to see. They both grinned in awe, "That must be a lot, just look at it!"

I couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm over a 20p coin.

"Come on kids," Malcolm said after he pocketed his change, "Let's find that tent of ours!"

We passed by the muggle landowner and into the field. Each plot of land was marked by a wood post with the occupants' name scrawled onto the side. We stopped at the one marked 'Gold-Steen' and set our bags down. Malcolm instantly set to work. He only had a rather small rucksack but he managed to fit his entire arm inside the bag. I must have been staring as he looked over to me and said: "Undetectable extension charms. Shouldn't draw too much attention for the muggles but don't tell the ministry all the same, we're not supposed to use magic at all at this event. Didn't stop most, eh, though?"

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