Chapter Sixteen

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Thankfully my detentions didn't coincide with the much anticipated Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw quidditch match

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Thankfully my detentions didn't coincide with the much anticipated Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw quidditch match. The whole school had been talking about it for weeks. The whole school usually talked about quidditch matches though, quidditch was a big deal in the wizarding world. Like how everyone starts singing 'It's coming home' during the world cup season regardless of if you actually watch football, or know the words to 'It's coming home'.

I practically dragged Maddie down to watch the match. She agreed to go only if she could take a book with her. I agreed. I didn't care so much that she watched the match, I just didn't want to be on my own. Emmy was playing and we should both be there at least to support her.

The Gryffindor team flew out onto the pitch and I immediately started cheering. I could just make out Emmy's blonde head zoom across the pitch.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, leaning back in my seat as the final player on the Gryffindor team flew out. They were going so fast they were just a flash, "Fucking hell, that's a fast broom!"

"Oh, that must be Harry and his firebolt!" Maddie chimed in, looking up from her book.

"How'd you know that? You haven't been paying attention."

"Hermione told me in the library the other day," Maddie shrugged as if it were obvious, "She seemed pretty frustrated about it."

"Frustrated? That Harry got a broom?"

"No!" Maddie scoffed, again, as if it were obvious, "It turned up out of nowhere and she thought it was suspicious and that it might have been jinxed and sent by Sirius Black to kill Harry so she told Professor McGonagall who took it away to be tested and Ron and Harry were in a mood about it and Ron hated her because he thought her cat ate his rat but now they're friends again so it's all good."

"I didn't follow a word of that," I said, glancing back at Maddie over my shoulder. I had turned my attention back to the game a long time ago.

The Ravenclaw team had now also flown out onto the pitch. They were fast, especially their seeker, Cho Chang, but they weren't faster than Harry. Cho was in my year. She had been so excited about making the team that she hadn't shut about it all the way through herbology. She was going to have a tough time competing against Harry and his firebolt.

Sure enough, Cho Chang was no competition for Harry. Sure she was a good chaser but she was only flying a Comet and compared to the firebolt, she might as well have been flying a mop. The Gryffindors were trying to draw out the game. Ravenclaw had scored three times, Gryffindor was 50 points ahead. If Cho caught the snitch, Ravenclaw would win. But come on! Harry had a firebolt! It was obvious who was going to catch the snitch here.

"Oh look!" I squealed, practically jumping, "Cho's tailing Harry!"

"Uh-huh," Maddie said blandly, her nose buried in her book.

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