Chapter Fifty

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It was a week before the Yule Ball and Maddie, Emmy and I were back as a group

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It was a week before the Yule Ball and Maddie, Emmy and I were back as a group. Maddie joined Emmy and I at the Gryffindor table for breakfast and things were finally back to normal. Expect there was a school wide tension as the last few people without dates for the ball were running around like headless hippogriffs trying to get a date.

"Honestly, you two need to get a move on," Emmy said after she found out that neither Maddie nor I had a date to the ball yet, "Or else only the sad losers will be left."

"Well, who are you going with then?" I asked, defensively.

"Lee," Emmy said rather matter of factly.

"Speak of the devil," I murmured as Lee sat down next to Emmy and was shortly joined by the twins.

"What was that?" Lee asked having heard I said something.

"Just talking about what a cute couple you two make," I teased. Lee flushed whereas Emmy simply rolled her eyes at me.

"At least I have a date," Emmy quipped.

"Seems like it's only us," Lee shrugged and gestured to the twins. They didn't clock on that we were talking about them as they were huddled up and whispering to each other, "Those guys don't have a date either."

"See?" Emmy said, raising her eyebrows, "Only the sad losers are left. Get a move on!"

I rolled my eyes and finished eating my toast.

"Come on," I said, changing the subject so Emmy didn't tease us any more as I had noticed that Maddie was beginning to look wistfully at Kevin, "Let's get to transfigurations."


"Hey," Lee pestered and George and I sprang apart. We hadn't told him about everything that went down with Ludo Bagman so had to stop talking about it while he was around.


"Figured out who you're asking to the ball yet?"

"No," I said and rolled my eyes.

"You could ask Allie," George said with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows, "Just a suggestion!"

"What's the point," I grumbled, "She's probably going with that Kevin anyways."

"I thought you'd let it go?" George smirked.

"Apparently not."

"Who are you going to ask then?"

"Can't we just go stag?"

"Be my guest mate," George laughed, "But I'm going to ask a cute girl because I'm not some sad, pining loser." He said with a smug look on his face as he got up and headed to class.


Emmy, Maddie and I got to lunch early after Professor Sprout let her class leave five minutes before lessons ended. She's the best. Some seventh years who had a free period before lunch were also there early, Kevin included. I nudged Maddie and whispered, "Go on," and wiggled my eyebrows, "Ask him to the ball!"

"I can't!" she hissed, "He'll just say no. He doesn't like me, remember? He likes you..."

"Exactly!" I said but Maddie wasn't following, "I've already rejected him. Be there and show him you care and maybe he'll move on."

Maddie still wasn't getting it.

"To you," I spelt out, "He'll move on to you."

Maddie made a face at me, took a deep breath and sauntered over to the Hufflepuff table to talk to Kevin.

Emmy and I watched their interaction from the Gryffindor table as we helped ourselves to sandwiches. Maddie mumbled and tugged at her sleeves, looking at the floor for the majority of their interaction. But after Maddie was done talking, Kevin smiled and nodded which made Maddie's face light up. Both Emmy and I were grinning at her as she came back over to join us at the Gryffindor table.

"Soooo?" I asked suggestively, "What'd he say?"

Maddie was grinning.

"He said he'd go with me," She said, hardly able to contain her joy, "But he said it would be nice to go with a friend."

"Oh what?" both Emmy and I groaned.

"How oblivious can you be?" I scoffed.

"You can talk," Emmy smirked, which made even Maddie smile.

"Oi!" I said and lightly hit her on the arm.

"But you know what this means," Emmy said as Lee and the twins arrived for lunch, "You're the only one of us without a date."

"What?" Fred said, suddenly very interested in our conversation, "You don't have a date yet?"

"No," I said flatly then jokingly added, "Why, you offering?"

Fred chuckled weakly and stared down the table.

"He just asked Angelina," George explained and my faint smile fell, "But I'll take you. If you want?"

"Thanks," I smiled, "But I don't want your pity. You should go with someone you want to go with."

"Then I'll give all my pity to Fred," George smirked and Fred looked mildly offended but I couldn't really tell as he wasn't making eye contact with me for some reason, "And I do like you. You're fun! It'll be a fun night! Come on, Caswell, what d'ya say?"

"Yeah okay," I said smiling.

"Good!" George smiled, "I knew you wouldn't leave a friend to go alone to the ball. Can you imagine how sad I'd look," He said but seemed to mainly be talking to Fred and not me. He rolled his eyes at George and refused to look up from his plate for the rest of lunch.

 He rolled his eyes at George and refused to look up from his plate for the rest of lunch

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