Chapter Forty Three

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A second whistle was blown announcing the start of the next champion's attempt at retrieving their golden egg and Fleur Delacour emerged at the entrance to the champions' tent

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A second whistle was blown announcing the start of the next champion's attempt at retrieving their golden egg and Fleur Delacour emerged at the entrance to the champions' tent. Once again, the crowd started to cheer, although it was a lot quieter than the applause Cedric received. Part of me knew it was probably so Fleur's presence wasn't announced to the dragon but the irrational side of me took over and told me it was because people liked Cedric more than Fleur. The smug part of me liked that idea better so that's what I believed.

Aside from Harry, Fleur was seen as a sort of underdog. She was the only female contestant and looked as if she'd rather keep her manicure intact than fight a dragon. A lot of people didn't have much hope for her but her performance in the first task would put a lot of people in their place.

She silently stepped forward and stood a little ways away from the dragon with her wand tightly grasped beside her. She raised it and mumbled some incantation which seemed to send the dragon to sleep. A cloudy haze shot from Fleur's wand. No doubt she had aimed for the head but the longer Fleur stood in front of it, the more defensive of its eggs the dragon became. It snapped its jaws in her direction and shifted around. The spell Fleur had cast on it, therefore, didn't hit it's head and hit it on its back legs, causing it to start and lose its balance. It quickly righted itself by swinging its tail to balance itself. Unfortunately for Fleur, the place it wanted to put its tail was exactly where she was standing.

"Oh, I'm not sure that was wise!" Ludo called, "Don't just stand there!"

Fleur saw the dragon's tail was coming straight for her and tried to jump out the way, but the spikes on its tail just caught her and ripped her skirt almost in too. She flushed bright red and hastily mended it with a quick flick of her wrists but not before the crowd had seen and started laughing. The Beauxbatons in the crowd sent fierce glares aimed at whoever laughed that could have rivalled the angry beaked faces of the Veela at the quidditch world cup.

Regaining her balance, Fleur attempted once more to subdue the dragon. Another haze was shot from her wand that this time descended around the dragon's head. Its eyelids fluttered and its head started to look too heavy for it to hold up. Before too long, it was curled up sound asleep.

Fleur smiled smugly and crept towards the dragon. Unfortunately for her, the dragon had curled up to sleep tightly around its eggs. There was no way she was going to be able to get to the golden egg with a dragon curled up around it.

"Careful now . . ." Ludo was saying which probably wasn't helping Fleur as she attempted to tiptoe over the dragon's leg. She briefly disappeared from view, crouched behind the dragon's back leg. The dragon, which was still sound asleep, suddenly snored so loudly I momentarily thought there was a thunderstorm. It seemed to startle itself awake and quickly became aware of Fleur's presence and began violently thrashing its tail.

I heard Maddie gasp from beside me. She gripped onto the railing and murmured "The eggs. Don't crush the eggs."

'Or Fleur either', I thought as there was still no sign of her. Then the top of her head popped into view as she managed to scramble out of the dragon's nest without being too badly hurt. Her robes were slightly ripped and her hair was no longer pristine but she wasn't badly hurt. But she had no golden egg with her.

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