3-A spanner in the works

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Chapter 3


"Okay girls everyone start stretching while you wait for your name to be called for you to do running tumbling!"


"Gianna look who's back!" I frantically whispered to Gianna as she looked at the door and whispered to me. "Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" She whispered back to me. Your probably wondering who we are talking about, well one of the girls on twinkles last season, Bella Matrone almost aged out of youth and her dad got a job transfer to North Carolina, where she was going to cheer at cheer extreme all-stars, one of our biggest rivals with senior elite, lady elite, and youth elite. She told us at NCA that she wasn't coming back next season so coach Chrissy and coach Dana had to start making arrangements for teams so she wasn't included in the planning but know she's back it pretty much takes a place off twinkles being as she was probably going to be on butterflies at cheer extreme. But now she's back it's going to throw a spanner in the works. Being that she is a veteran twinkle she will probably be on the team just like Gianna and I. Soon Giannas name is called up and I give her a look to tell Chrissy and Dana about Bella. But to our surprise once Bella finished filling out the form she didn't come over and join us on the mat she went and sat down and stretched on the side of  one of the other mats. As soon as Gianna came back I whispered to her "Bella isn't trying out for twinkles!" I saw her face make a weird shape before she replied to me "why do you think that?" I shrugged as a reply. Just then my name was called to do running tumbling so I stood up and walked over to where coach Chrissy and coach Dana stood and stood ready to go into running tumbling. "Okay andrea, back handspring round off layout." Coach Chrissy challenged. I started running and did my back handspring followed by a round off smoothly into a layout. "Good andrea, now do you have your full?" Coach Dana asked "yes I do." I replied "okay then do what you just did but instead of a layout do a full." Coach Chrissy stated. I did my running backhand spring round off full and then coach Chrissy and coach Dana told me I could go back and sit down. Soon we started stunting where we went into six groups; flyers, main bases, secondary bases, backspot , frontspot and all-rounder. Gianna and I walked side by side over to the flyers group. Just as we sat down, coach Chrissy and Dana started making stunt groups for tryouts. About 30 seconds later coach Dana called out my stunt group" the next group is numbers 5( my number), 36, 57,28 and 69!" I knew who everyone but 69 was but then I realised it was her! 

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