Chapter 7- Stories and Sleep

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Chapter 7

Then it happened. Mrs Pascale called me over and asked me one thing "Andrea what's your side of the story?"

I was worried that Mrs Pascale wouldn't believe me, if Jade and Kiara told something that was completely different I might not be belived, that was a worry. I explained " I was getting bottles of water when I heard two voices outside the door, I quickly climbed into the cupboard under the desk just before they walked in. I heard them start searching the desk for something before one said I am on shooting stars suck it! And the fight escalated from there. Then once they left I figured out it was Jade and Kiara and climbed out of the cupboard. Coach Dana came in and I told her the story." We waited for a few seconds before Mrs Pascale recalled "I remember those two asking to go to the toilet and they took a while to come back, so that's where they went!" Mrs Pascale frowned before asking "Andrea would you go and hide in the cupboard you hid in please." So I walked in and hid in the cupboard before they called out "Are you ready Andrea?" I was ready so I called out "yep!" They walked in and put on girly voices and pretended they where Jade and Kiara searching the desk and not seeing me. Once they where finished Coach Chrissy called out "you can come out now Andrea!" So I emerged from the cupboard, to three surprised faces. "Andrea and Chrissy you can go back to twinkles tryouts, while Dana and I interrogate Jade and Kiara." Coach Chrissy and I walked over to the twinkles tryouts where they where not doing running tumbling they where making up outrageous cheer moves. Coach Chrissy smiled a cheeky smile at me before shouting" that's not running tumbling is it! Every one sit on the floor!" There was a frantic scrambling to the floor where coach Chrissy pointed to sit down on. "Okay everyone, I want to tell you something. Not everyone can make Twinkles. Everyone has done a really good job today and I want you to remember that. Even if you don't make the team there's always next year. And I hope everyone is proud of themselves and what they showed us today because as I said before everyone performed really well and if I could you would all be on Twinkles. Now I think we have time for a game and I m in the mood for a stunting competition so if everyone could get in there stunt group from earlier we can start." We all got into our stunt groups from earlier and started the competition. My competitive streak shone through and my group won with Gianna's coming in second. When we finished the competition coach Chrissy called out "everyone find a partner and line up!" Gianna and I were the first in line and once coach Chrissy was a little ahead of us she asked "what happened with you Coach Dana,Coach Chrissy and Grandma?" I whispered back "I'll tell you later!" As we arrived at the mat where there was level 5 senior tryouts. Jade and Kiara both shot me looks that where disappointed about me knowing there scheme. So I just smiled my cutest smile back before Mrs Antico called for our attention. "Okay everyone thank you for coming today! You may or may not have noticed but some of the coaches have disapeared but they are just writing out and finalising the teams for the upcoming season. You will all recive a email with your team placements and training times and days. Now you can go home!" I raced over to where my mum was standing. "Mum Gianna and I will be over there at the tumble track tumbling!" Without waiting for a reply I raced over to Gianna who's first words where "spill the beans!" So I started talking telling the whole story again. It wasn't long until Mum came over and told me it was time to go home. We raced home and I went sleep eager with excitement about the news the email would bring.

Twinkle Girls: Book 1 -in editing-Where stories live. Discover now