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Elijah's POV

If Marcus really thinks I'm going to let him off the hook for making me cry, then he has another thing coming. Stress is bad for the babies and as soon as all this drama is over, he
is going to see my wrath.
But on a brighter note, I'm glad he now knows about my plan of mass destruction. Okay, maybe that sounds a little overboard but I do plan on destroying Sienna completely.
I thought Marcus was going to tell me to hand her over to the authorities but it seems we are on the same page.

Don't get me wrong. I am going to hand her over like a model citizen but let me have my fun first.
Ethanael was having so much fun with the plan like he is doing right now. We were having dinner with everyone including the Queen and King and so he couldn't help himself.
"Eli. Are you sure you don't remember how you ended up down the stairs?" he asked.
"Ummm...I think...wait..." I held my head and closed my eyes like I was struggling to remember.
I opened my eyes and locked eyes with Sienna. She looked like she was about to piss her pants.
Well, that's what she gets for getting cozy with my man. She was sitting next to Marcus and she had been all smiles and chatting like she owned this castle.
Well, sorry to disappoint her but there is a new queen in town and it's definitely not her. If only she knew the truth of the matter. I'm so devious, somebody stop me.

"YES!" I screamed out loud and she jumped in shock.
"What, Eli? Do you remember?" Ethanael asked with a smile and hope in his expression. We should really become actors. We definitely have wicked skills. I fought the urge to laugh at his expression but I kept it all in.
"Umm...sorry...no... I honestly think I just tripped or something. You know I can be clumsy sometimes," I said and she visibly relaxed.
If only she knew it was just the beginning.
After dinner, Queen Dion called us all into the entertainment room. There was a part of the room with a pool table and all sorts of other types of games. Even video games had a section. We were led to the mini movie theatre.
I had been here once or twice but not for the games. Let's just say, if people knew what happened on the pool table they would never touch it again. Wink wink. I'm my defence it was on Marcus's kink list, so we had to cross it out.

"I know this is all out of the blue but I thought since this will be our last week together, maybe we should have a movie night," he said and we all cheered in excitement.
"I used to watch movies all the time with my son but as he grew up we both had different responsibilities to attend to and the tradition
sort of phased out. I know that this had been a new and strange experience for all of you but I'm glad to have met you all and that you were willing to spend time with my son," he continued.
"Not all of us were willing," I mumbled but only Ethanael heard as he silently laughed.
"No matter what the outcome will be, I consider all of you as my children and I hope even after all this you will also still consider
me as your mother," he said and you could see he meant every word.
Honestly, Queen Dion was the best
"Before I start shedding tears, let's get this party started," he said before taking a seat next to King Christian.

Mr. Wilson then entered followed by maids who were carrying all sorts of snacks and drinks. I was so happy when one of them passed me a tub of ice-cream.
She winked at me with her pretty blue eyes. Her name was Arwen, if I remember correctly. I should definitely buy her a gift for taking good
care of me.
As soon as everyone was comfortable and had their favourite snacks and drinks in hand, the lights were dimmed and the movie started.
Marcus slipped in a while later as the movie started and he sat next to me.

"Where were you?" I whispered in his ear.
"Was just sorting something out baby. Don't worry about it," Marcus said as he wrapped his arm on my shoulder. I let it go and focused on the movie and my tub of ice-cream.
At the end of the movie right when the credits were rolling up the screen lost signal before something new popped up.
I was too shocked to respond as the CCTV footage of Sienna pushing me down the stairs was played right in front of everyone.
I turned to Marcus who just smiled at me before saying 'Surprise.'
Everyone in the room was silent as the video played out from beginning to end.

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