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I spent most of my trip sleeping off my hangover. As soon as the plane landed on Oasis Island, I was refreshed. The only problem was that I missed airplane food and was really hungry.
That stupid flight attendant didn't wake me up when she was serving the food. So what if I gave her a glare every time she came close to my seat before the plane took off. It didn't mean that I didn't want my food. It's part of the package I paid for. What's the use of paying for a first class ticket if I'm not going to reap all the benefits. Stupid ass flight attendant.
First day on the stupid island and I already feel welcomed. Note the sarcasm. Feeling angry and hungry, I dragged myself out of the plane. The sooner I find a restaurant or even a small food stand the better. They say a hungry man is an angry man. Now imagine an already grumpy man and add hunger to that. Not a pretty sight. Before I kill someone I really need to kill this hunger.

"Duncan Elijah?" Now who would interrupt a man on a mission. I turned to see an elderly man dressed in a black formal suit. The type butlers wear. He was also carrying a card with my name printed on it.
"You're Mr. Duncan Elijah right?" He asked with a smile.
"It depends on whose asking," I said.
"You can call me Mr. Wilson. I work for the royal family and have been tasked to collect you and take you to your new home," he responded maintaining his smile even after being disrespected by a person half his age. Our last butler at home could not stand any form of disrespect and I was constantly getting scolded about it. This is why my mother decided to only hire females. I usually just didn't bother myself with them.
"Fine. Let me just..."
"You don't have to worry about anything. Your luggage is already in the car. We are already behind the time and we need to get to the house in time for dinner."

I was about to lash out in anger at him for cutting me off but stopped at the mention of dinner. That meant food. What I desperately needed.
"What are we waiting for then. Lead the way," I said or more like ordered and we were on our way.
He led me to a black limo and I suddenly felt like a celebrity. All that was left was flashing cameras and my killer smile that was only revealed occasionally because I rarely got extremely happy. Even my sense of humor was basically none.
"Where is everyone else? I thought quite a number of people were coming to join this terrible remake of the bachelor," I asked as soon as we were on the road. A dark window separated us from the driver and Mr. Wilson sat opposite me.

"Everyone else arrived about a week ago. You are the last to arrive. Also, this is a very prestigious occasion. The bachelor is a stupid scripted show with no originality. This is real life and you should be honored that you have been selected as a suitable candidate to wed his royal highness." Now there's the fire I was looking for.
"So, going through us like he is perusing through a catalog is considered an honor. Things are really different on your island," I said. I know my dad told me to be all polite, quiet and behave but I wasn't going to turn fake because he asked me too. He knows the type of person I am but he expects me to do a whole 360 on my attitude. It's possible but I choose to not to do it. I would rather be the first eliminated so that I can go home.

"It seems you don't want to be here," he said raising a questioning eyebrow.
"Thanks for that captain obvious. Hopefully, the prince will see me once and immediately hate me so much I get shipped back home on DHL express. The sooner the better." I went on.
"I wish you the best on your plan," he said and mumbled another statement that got me silent.
"I'm sorry but you might be here longer because you are totally his type." I brushed it off and stayed silent because it was no way he had said that.

Soon we arrived at our destination. The door was opened and held by a male worker as I made my way out of the limo. Mr. Wilson was right behind me.
The view before me left me in awe. I had been to a lot of expensive places but the castle before me literally took me by surprise. It was huge and looked like something out of the middle ages with a modern touch to it.
The inside was just as captivating as I was led to my room. My bags were already in the room when we got there. I hope I will be able to find my way back because as I mentioned before this place is huge.

"Where is everyone?" I asked because I discovered that there were 10 candidates in total and we stayed together in one section of the castle.
"They are already in the dining hall for dinner. If we leave now you might be able to make it before the prince arrives. It's the official first dinner with the prince who only arrived this morning," he said.
My stomach growled at the mention of dinner and Mr. Wilson silently laughed but I saw him and gave him a deadly glare. He apologized with a smile before leading me to the said dining hall. When we entered, Mr. Wilson made an introduction and all attention was on me. I said hello, before slipping into the nearest empty seat and drooled at the wonderful selection of food spread across the table. Feeding my eyes before the rest of my body joined in.

"His royal highness, Prince Marcus Wade Valentine, has arrived," someone announced and everyone around the table stood up. Mr. Wilson gave me a serious look and I stood up as well but made sure to glare at him to show my displeasure.
I just wanted to eat. Was that too much to ask for?
I raised my head to look at the prince who now stood by the throne like chair at the end of the table. I was too shocked to move as I stared at the familiar features that had stolen my heart just last night. But he looked ... Different. Now he looked like the good boy who followed every single rule ever written. No piercings or tattoos in sight.
I was very confused but mostly anger prevailed as I stared into the eyes of the man who fxcked me and left me a couple of dollar bills like I was a fxcken prostitute.



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