chapter 53

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Kate Pov

After all what happened upstairs, I just really needed that fresh air at the beach. After I left Tony I went down to the kitchen to get something to drink, Ondreaz, kouvr, Thomas and Mia were there.....

Ondreaz: where's Tony
Kate: um.... he's in the middle of something down there
Thomas: what
Kate: oh my god I'm 15 and I could catch what I just said
Ondreaz: he's in the middle of something with his helicopter
Thomas: Kate what did you do
Kate: nothing I'm innocent I tell you
Tony: innocent huh
Kate: looked for it
Tony: guys you're so lucky that Kate not with any of you because she'd give you blue balls
Kate: haha.....
Mia: wait what
Tony: omg I can't do this right now
Kate: it doesn't matter Mia, anyway you guys ready
Thomas: yeah
Kate: well let get going

After I don't know how long we arrived at the beach, everyone cane out of there cars some of them were met with Fan's and well the rest of us when on walking down to the beach. The beach really remind me if the time I went to Tobago, back at home we don't really use suncreams and well that time when we went to Tobago me and my cousins was literally bathing in the suncreams you should have seen us. Lucky thing when I was prepared to come LA, I made sure to buy suncreams......

Kate: hey baby can you put some suncreams on my back
Tony: sure
Nick: hey Tony maybe you can come put some on my back after
Kate: jealous, I know you and Tony use to play around like if you guys were gay
Nick: look who talking jealous
Kate: Nick today I'm going to
Nick: if that's going to happen
Kate: just wait and see
Tony: done
Kate: thanks, you want me to put some on your back
Tony: sure
Fan of Tony: hI TonY

Shit I'm literally rubbing Tony's back and one of his fan is standing right in front of us.....

Kate: um... Tony
Tony: huh....oh, hi
Fan of Tony: hi, my name is Elizabeth
Tony: hi, Elizabeth what would you like
Elizabeth: can I get a pic of you and can we do a tiktok together
Tony: um... sure, I'll be back Kate
Elizabeth: wait you're kate that won the thing with Tony I literally though you were Tony's girlfriend or something because like rubbing suncreams on Tony's back, wait are you guys dating
Kate: NO
Tony: um.. sorry Elizabeth Kate means no, we're not dating like Kate doesn't want people thinking that because she has a boyfriend already
Kate: um...yeah, I'm sorry is just I don't want people thinking that
Elizabeth: it ok I understand
Tony: come Elizabeth let's do the tiktok first
Elizabeth: sure

God I was so thankful that Tony came up with saying that I had a boyfriend already, I would have died if she had noticed that me and Tony were really dating. After Tony and Elizabeth was gone I went looking for kouvr or someone to be with until Tony's back.....

Kate: hey kouvr
Kouvr: heyy...when the boyfriend
Kate: he's with one of his Fan's making tiktok's
Kate: aww.... I'm sorry that you can't let no one know that you guys are....
Elizabeth: hi
Kate: hey Elizabeth, how long were you at the back of us
Elizabeth: um...not to long, oh can I get a pic of you and Tony
Kate: why would you want a pic of me
Elizabeth: because well you guys don't really post anything you're doing so I just wanted to put it up on my fan page, is that ok
Kate: um....yeah, where's Tony
Elizabeth: he's with some more of his Fan's
Kate: um...ok then, how about you go tell Tony and I'll come after
Elizabeth: sure
Kouvr: who's that
Kate: it's the fan that Tony was doing the tiktok with and she almost found out twice that me and Tony are..... really good friends
Kouvr: wait she almost found before when you were with Tony
Kate: yeah
Kouvr: wow
Kate: yeah, I'll be back kouvr
Kouvr: ok see you

God this girl is making me hate her, I really hope she didn't hear what me and kouvr was talking about....

Kate: hey guys
Tony: hey Kate
Fan of Tony: wait you're kate
Kate: yeah
Fan of Tony: hi, my name is Hailey
Kate: hi, Hailey nice to meet you
Hailey: so Kate can I get a pic with you and Tony
Kate: um.. sure just let me talk to Tony for a minute
Hailey: sure I'll be right back
Tony: yes baby
Kate: Tony be quite
Tony: what why, is not like they's anyone of them next to us
Kate: Tonyy, Elizabeth literally just almost caught me talking to kouvr about us
Tony: oh speaking of Elizabeth, is wants a pic with us
Kate: I know, can we do all and go in the water like everyone is having a good time and you're here taking pic like literally Ondreaz isn't even taking on his Fan's that much he's in the water
Tony: fine, let's go fine Elizabeth and Hailey and go take the pics and them you can have me all to yourself
Kate: Tony hope you don't think that I don't want you be with your fan's is just that I don't want them finding out we're together
Tony: I know, now come on

New characters



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Age: 15


Age: 14

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Age: 14

Elizabeth and Hailey aren't like characters that would probably be in the book again but I want to maybe have a look of how they maybe looked

I'm sorry I'm always posting late is just I'm always sleeping, like when I woke up today my mom was like i thought you die, I know well hope you guys like the chapter

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