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"Alright mom I have to go to work but I'll call you later," Alex P Keaton said over the phone, anxiously trying to say goodbye before he was late to work.

"Okay honey. Love you," Elyse said on the other side.

"Love you too," he replied, hanging up the phone. He tied his tie around his neck and grabbed his briefcase, walking out the door.

"Good morning Alex," the doorman said as he walked out.

"Morning Matt," he replied, walking out the door. He waved at all of the people he recognized running stands and hanging out around the streets. He walked into his office building and set up in his office, preparing for another day in the job he loved.

Ellen Reed checked into her hotel room in New York. She brought her bags in and unpacked what she could for the five days that she would be there. Then, she would decide where to go next. She opened the thin curtains to reveal New York City. It was a slightly downcast day. The sun was barely seen due to the clouds, still, Ellen thought that it was beautiful. She decided to go explore the hotel and find out where everything was. Once she was done, she decided to go for a walk and see what was outside. She walked into a cute little boutique and began to look around. She tried on clothes, and even bought a cute sweater, and walked out. She knew that the sun was going to set in about an hour. As she was walking she bumped into someone, which caused her to drop her bag.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," the man said, but Ellen stared at him. He leaned down to grab her bag and stood up. The two made eye contact.



The two stared at each other in shock. He smiled at her, deciding to spark a conversation.

"Wow. How have you been?"

"I've been good. Traveling," she said nervously. He nodded. "What about you?"

"Good. Good. I live here in New York now. Good ol' New York," he replied awkwardly. They just nodded and stared at each other. It was honestly embarrassing.

"Ummm," Ellen said, blushing. "Would you maybe wanna go get some dinner? Catch up?"

"That sounds great," Alex said. "Come on. I know a great place." He led her a block away and they walked into a small cafe and ordered sandwiches.

"Sooo," Ellen said nervously. "How's your family?"

"They're really good. They're all grown up now," he told her. Ellen smiled, remembering baby Andy. "So you mentioned traveling?"

"Yes! I finished school and just decided, hey. Why not? I actually went to Washington D.C a few months back. It reminded me of you," she said. Alex smiled at her. There was a small pause, but it wasn't as awkward as it had been before.

"So how long are you staying in New York?" Alex asked.

"Oh five days," Ellen said. Alex thought about it. That was enough time.

"Well maybe I could show you around?" He asked her. She nodded.

"I would love that," Ellen said. They continued to talk about their lives.

"So Mallory and Nick tried to get married?" She asked. Alex laughed.


"What did your dad do?"

"He flipped out. So did I though," Alex said. Ellen laughed.

"Sounds like you," she said. They continued on like this for a while. Eventually, Alex looked at his watch.

"Uh hey Ellen," he said.

"Mhm," she hummed.

"We've been talking for almost three hours," he said, showing her his watch. They both laughed. Once they caught their breaths again, they left the cafe.

"Alex I've gotta tell you, I've had a great time talking to you tonight," Ellen said.

"I did too Ellen," he replied. They began to walk to her hotel.

"What time do you get off of work tomorrow?" Ellen asked him. Alex thought for a second.

"Well. I think I can be out the doors by three," he said.

"Maybe we can go exploring a little," she said.

"Alright. It's a date," Alex said, before internally kicking himself for the term he had used. Ellen seemed unfazed.

"Perfect," she said. They reached the hotel and Alex wrote his phone number down for her. She thanked him and they said their goodbyes. Alex walked into his apartment and sat down on his couch, smiling widely. He punched the air with his fist excitedly.

He then began to think. What if he could get Ellen to stay longer? What if he could get the love of his life back? His apartment was small, but she could stay here. He thought about this idea until he fell asleep.

Ellen walked into her hotel room and set her back against her door, holding her hands against her mouth and smiled.

"How did I ever find it in my heart to leave him?" She asked herself. She sat on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She knew this was temporary. That in a few days she'd be at the airport, leaving for a new destination. But still, she found that she loved the feelings of seeing Alex Keaton.

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