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Alex rolled around in bed and felt where Ellen was laying. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, closing his eyes again briefly.

"Good morning," Ellen mumbled, still half asleep.

"Good morning," he said. They opened their eyes and smiled at each other.

   "We're engaged," Ellen said in a dreamy voice.

   "Yes we are, my beautiful fiancée," he said, before wrapping his arms around her tightly and pulling her on top of his body, making her giggle. She tucked her head in his chest comfortably.

   "I like that word. Do you wanna call your family?" Ellen asked. Alex nodded.

   "You know, my moms the only one who knew I was proposing," he said.

   "Really? Not even Andy?"

   "Nope. I kept it quiet," he said. They sat up, staying close together and Alex reached onto their nightstand and grabbed the phone, setting it on the bed. He dialed the house's number and waited patiently for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" Steven said.

"Hey dad," Alex replied. "Happy new year!"

   "Happy new year Alex. What's going on?"

   "Actually, can you get everyone in here?" He asked. Ellen smiled widely and tucked her forehead into Alex's shoulder. He slipped his arm around her waist and set his lips on her cheek.

"Sure," Steven said in a confused tone. The couple could hear him cover the phone and heard a muffled screaming.

"Everyone in there?" Alex asked.

"Yes, indeed," Steven said.

"What's this about Alex?" Mallory asked.

"Oh I just wanted to call and tell you guys something," Alex said.

"What?" Jennifer asked. They paused for a brief second. "The suspense is killing me!"

"I'm gonna be a Keaton!" Ellen exclaimed into the phone.

"Yes!" Elyse screamed, punching the air with her fist.

"Or Alex is gonna be a Reed," Ellen said. "Either way we're engaged!"

"Whoa whoa whoa. I'm not taking your last name," Alex said.

"This is a discussion for another day," Ellen replied, patting his cheek twice jokingly. They could hear cheering on the other end of the receiver.

"This is amazing!" Steven exclaimed. "Alex we had no idea you were proposing!"

"Speak for yourself," Elyse said.

"You told mom and not me!" Mallory yelled. Alex scrunched his face up. The wrath of Mallory was not something he wanted to deal with right now, especially on a happy occasion.

"Hey! Let me talk!" Andy yelled, and Alex smiled.

"Hey buddy! What do you think?" Alex asked Andy.

"Can you come down soon so we can celebrate together? I miss you!" Andy said. Ellen put her hand over her heart and awed.

"We would love to Andy," Ellen said, and she could hear the boy cheer.

"I'm finally gonna have an older sister," Jennifer exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey," Mallory replied. Ellen and Alex laughed. They talked for another moment before saying their goodbyes.

"Okay bye guys!"

"Love you!"

   They all said their goodbyes and hung up. Alex laid back on the bed, grabbing Ellen's hand and pulling her down with him, he hair sorting itself out everyone.

   "Who would have thought that when you left on that plane to Paris, we would end up here?" He asked in a dreamy voice.

   "I don't know. But I'm so glad we did," she replied. They lag in silence for a moment, pondering their lives. Suddenly, Alex turned his head towards her.

   "Do you want to get married here or back home?" Alex asked. Ellen looked at him with a wide smile.

   "Anywhere with you is home," she said. Alex felt like his heart could burst. He was so genuinely happy. He felt like he had won the lottery. "We can decide on wedding details later. Right now, I'm engaged to the dumbest, kindest man in the world."

"Hey!" He exclaimed. He looked at her, then started to tickle her.

"No!" She exclaimed, laughing and squirming out of his arms. "Let me go."


"Are you offended that I called you dumb or kind?"

"Both? Can I say both?" He said. They both laughed, then heard Elvis barking.

"On it," Ellen said. She opened the door and their dog ran in, hopping onto the bed with them.

"Hi there," Alex said, scratching behind his dog's ears. "Were you lonely out there? You missed some excitement."

"I can't believe you ever didn't like our dog," Ellen said.

"Me neither," Alex said. Ellen grabbed a hairbrush out of a drawer and began to brush through the knots in her hair.

   "I should call my dad and stepmom, huh?" She said. Alex smiled at her.

   "It can wait a day or two if you wanted to work up to it," he told her. She nodded.

   "I guess you're right," she said. Then, she smiled, remembering one person of the family they hadn't called yet. "You wanna call Skippy?"

   "Oh god," he said, laughing.

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