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Alex hadn't seen his family in nearly eight months, which was far too long. But he knew he couldn't go back home until Christmas in a month and a half because of his job. That wasn't what happened though. Ellen had the day off of work and was home alone with Elvis. She was doing some laundry downstairs in the laundry room, and walked back up carrying the basket. She was folding their clothes when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Ellen said, holding the receiver in between her shoulder and ear, still folding.

"Ellen is that you?" Jennifer said in a hysterical way. Ellen grabbed the phone in her hand, putting the shirt she had been folding down.

"Jennifer what's wrong?" She asked.

"Is Alex there yet?" She asked.

"No he'll be getting back from work in about twenty minutes. What's going on?"

"I couldn't reach him at the office. Our dad just had a heart attack," she said panicking. Ellen gasped.

"Oh my god Jennifer is he okay?"

"They're taking him into surgery. I have to go but please tell Alex," she said.

"I will Jennifer. It's gonna be okay," with that, they hung up and Ellen began to pack their bags. She walked to their neighbors room and told them that there was a family emergency, and needed them to watch Elvis. They agreed immediately and took the small dog into their apartment.

"Hey honey," Alex said as he walked through the door. Ellen popped her head out of the bedroom and saw him. Her heart dropped when she saw his cheery disposition.

"Alex honey, come here," she said, still packing their bag.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he walked in. Ellen zipped up the bag and grabbed his hand, pulling him onto the bed with her.

   "Alex I just got a call from your sister. Your dad had a heart attack," she said, breaking the news. Alex blinked a few times, and his face morphed into one of panic.

   "Okay well he'll be fine. He was fine the last time. He can just have a surgery and he'll bounce right back," he said quickly, jumping up and pacing the room.

   "Alex. Alex calm down. Alex," Ellen said, standing up and grabbing his shoulders, rubbing up and down his arms. He stopped pacing and looked at Ellen. "We have to go to the airport. I've already packed our bags. Okay?"

   "Okay," he said. "Thank you." They grabbed their bags and rushed to the airport, buying tickets to Ohio. They sat on the airplane and Ellen took Alex's hand, squeezing it tightly in order to give him a silent message of support and hope.

   "It's gonna be okay," she said. He leaned his forehead onto her shoulder and she turned slightly to kiss his head. When they finally landed, Alex was severely anxious. They rushed to the hospital and walked in. The couple went up to the same floor from the last visit, and looked around the waiting room. Mallory saw him first and stood up, rushing to them and giving Alex a big hug. She then turned to Ellen and hugged her.

   "Hey mom," Alex said, hugging her tightly. "Any news yet?"

"He's in surgery now," she said. She then turned to Ellen and gave  her a small smile. "Ellen it's so great to see you."

"You too Mrs. Keaton," she said, giving her a hug. They went and sat down and greeted Jennifer and Andy. "I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Alex!" Andy exclaimed. He ran to Alex who gave him a big hug and set him on his lap.

"Hey buddy. How you doin?" He asked.

"I'm okay," he said. Alex pulled him towards his chest again.

"Sorry I haven't been around," he said. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," Andy replied. He then turned towards Alex's girlfriend, who was looking at the two brothers. She gave Andy a bittersweet smile. The last time she had seen him he was a baby who could barely say one word. "Are you Ellen?" He asked.

"Yes I am," she said. "Hi Andy."

"Hi," he replied. They all sat there, talking.

   "Where was he?" Alex asked. Ellen was leaning into his side and his arm was thrown protectively around her, pulling her closer.

   "In the kitchen," Mallory replied.

   "God I should've been there," Alex said, running his hand over his face.

   "Alex don't do that thing," Elyse advised.

   "What thing?" He asked.

   "The thing where you blame yourself," she said with a pointed look, and he backed away.

   "I'm gonna go ask the nurse and see if there's any new information," Jennifer said. She stood up from the seat and walked away.

   "Ellen come here and talk to me. I could use a distraction," Elyse said. Ellen sat up and kissed Alex's cheek, moving towards Elyse and sitting next to her. Alex sat next to Mallory.

   "Alex I'm scared," she said.

   "I know. I am too. But the last time he pulled through and was fine," Alex said, trying to convince the both of them that he would be fine. Mallory nodded and gave him a small smile. She leaned onto his shoulder and smiled at where Ellen and Elyse were talking.

"You've got a good one over there," Mallory said. Alex looked over and saw her holding his mom's hand reassuringly and smiled lightly.

"Yeah. I know," he said.

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